Source: Neo Industrial Oyj

Reka Cables to provide cables for 100 turbines in Norwegian wind parks

Neo Industrial Plc  Press Release  March 25, 2019 at 3.00 pm

Reka Cables to provide cables for 100 turbines in Norwegian wind parks

Neo Industrial’s subsidiary Reka Cables will provide 210 kilometres of medium voltage cables for three wind parks in Norway.

In cooperation with Norwegian network construction company Linka AS, Reka Cables will provide cabling for onshore wind parks of Geitfjellet, Harbaksfjellet and Kvenndalsfjellet in Norway. Reka’s 36 kV medium-voltage cables will ensure energy transfer of altogether one hundred wind turbines.

The construction of the wind parks has started in 2018 and will be finished during 2020. The three wind parks fitted with Reka’s cables will produce 1401 GWh of electricity and have an installed capacity of 420 megawatts. When ready, the six wind parks in the area will form the largest onshore wind farm in Europe.

“As renewable energy is increasing rapidly in Europe, Reka Cables has developed high-quality cable solutions specifically for wind power applications. We are proud of being part of the development towards more sustainable energy production”, says Ralf Sohlström, CEO of Reka Cables and Neo Industrial Plc.

Reka offers tried-and-true solutions for challenging Nordic environments

Reka Cables' Dryrex WIND products are medium-voltage cables especially well-suited for use in wind farm energy transfer networks. They can be installed directly into the ground both on the shoreline and on terracing protruding outwards from the shore. Dryrex WIND cables may also be used in repeatedly and continuously wet soil.

Reka Cables has several years of experience in vertical cables installed in wind turbine towers. The halogen-free and flame-retardant power cables in Reka’s wind power cable product range are an economical and tried-and-true solution for all kinds of wind farms, including those intended for challenging Nordic environments.

Read more about Reka Cables' wind power cable solutions:

Additional information: Ralf Sohlström, CEO, Reka Cables Ltd and Neo Industrial Plc, +358 40 770 2720,

Visualisation of Harbaksfjellet wind park

Neo Industrial's strategy is to invest mainly in industrial companies with similar synergic benefits. The aim of investments is with active ownership to develop the purchased companies and establish additional value. Returns are sought through both dividend flow and an increase in value. Neo Industrial's class B shares are listed on the main list of NASDAQ Helsinki Stock Exchange. Neo Industrial's business segment is Cable Industry.