Preparation of the 1Q19 Financial Communication

Paris, April 11, 2019

Preparation of the 1Q19 Financial Communication:

The 2018 quarterly series have been restated following the disposal of the retail banking activities (Factoring, Sureties & Financial guarantees, Leasing, Consumer finance and Securities services) to BPCE S.A. finalized on March 31, 2019. The loss of control over these entities being anterior to the transfer date of the securities, Natixis’ published financial statements will not be impacted by the 1Q19 contribution of such subsidiaries as a consequence.

In order to ensure comparability with the published financial statements, the 2018 quarterly series disclosed hereafter have been restated for the contribution of such entities. Over previous periods, such a contribution was supplemented by expenses related to the SFS business line (e.g. Corporate Secretary) that will still impact Natixis’ published financial statements in 1Q19. For the purpose of comparability, such expenses have been restated in the quarterly series disclosed hereafter and will thus be isolated from the net income for the financial communication (a table bridging the gap with the accounting figures will be disclosed).

                  Besides, 1Q19 results will be positively impacted by the disposal of the retail banking activities to BPCE S.A. due to the realization of a capital gain (Gain or loss on other assets - Corporate Center) and tax adjustments (Income tax). These impacts will be booked as exceptional items for financial communication purposes.

Changes in Natixis’ account presentation following the disposal of the retail banking activities to BPCE S.A.

  • Employee savings plan is reallocated to Asset & Wealth Management
  • Film industry financing is reallocated to Corporate & Investment Banking
  • Insurance is not impacted
  • Payments becomes a standalone business line
  • Financial Investments are isolated and include Coface, Natixis Algeria and the private equity run-off activities. The Corporate Center is refocused on Natixis’ holding and ALM functions and carries the Single Resolution Fund contribution within its expenses

Additional impacts on the quarterly series from the disposal of the retail banking activities to BPCE S.A.

  • New support function services provided by Natixis to the activities sold (TSA / SLA), as well as the cancellation of services or analytical items that have been made obsolete following such a disposal are factored in
  • The reclassification as Net revenues of the residual IT and logistic services that continue to be provided to the activities sold. Such services now being provided to entities that do not fall under Natixis’ scope of consolidation anymore, they have been reclassified as Net revenues instead of expense deductions
  • The implementation of introductory fees between the Natixis CIB Coverage and the entities sold

                        In order to ensure comparability between the 2018 and 2019 quarterly series, these impacts have been simulated retroactively as of January 1st, 2018, even though they only impact the published financial statements as of their implementation date in 2019. These items essentially impact the Corporate Center and more marginally the CIB. The others business lines are unimpacted.

Appendix (non-audited):

Update of the 2018 quarterly series following the disposal of the retail banking activities to BPCE S.A

Natixis excl. perimeter sold       
€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues2,193 2,360 2,156 2,040  8,749
Expenses(1,675)(1,528)(1,499)(1,656) (6,357)
Gross operating income 518 832 658 383  2,391
Provision for credit losses(36)(41)(93)(23) (193)
Net operating income 482 791 565 361  2,199
Associates73613 29
Gain or loss on other assets64044 54
Pre-tax profit495 798 570 418  2,281
Tax(175)(234)(154)(110) (673)
Minority interests(60)(57)(59)(127) (303)
Net income (group share) 260 507 358 181  1,306
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn)94.196.696.095.2 95.2

€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues7998428411,032 3,513
Asset Management(1)762805805998 3,369
Wealth management37373634 144
Expenses(548)(569)(584)(642) (2,343)
Gross operating income 251273257389 1,170
Provision for credit losses0(1)(1)0 (2)
Net operating income 251272256390 1,169
Associates0002 3
Other items0(3)(2)41 37
Pre-tax profit251269255433 1,208
Cost/Income ratio68.6%67.6%69.4%62.3% 66.7%
Cost/Income ratio excl. IFRIC2168.1%67.7%69.6%62.4% 66.7%
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn)11.711.812.512.3 12.3
Normative capital allocation (Basel 3)4,1434,0654,1504,363 4,180
RoE after tax (Basel 3)(2)13.7%15.2%13.9%19.6% 15.7%
RoE after tax (Basel 3) excl. IFRIC 21(2)14.0%15.1%13.8%19.5% 15.7%
(1) Asset management including Private equity and Employee savings plan
(2) Normative capital allocation methodology based on 10.5% of the average RWA - including goodwill and intangibles

€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues944 976 828 518  3,266
Global markets527 457 334 14  1,332
  FIC-T 378299252231 1,159
  Equity14814597(219) 171
  CVA/DVA desk113(15)2 2
Global finance(1)341 394 341 362  1,438
Investment banking(2)82 85 78 126  372
Other (7)41 74 16  123
Expenses(566)(551)(525)(559) (2,202)
Gross operating income 378 425 302 (41) 1,064
Provision for credit losses(31)(37)(98)(9) (174)
Net operating income 347 388 204 (50) 890
Associates4333 12
Other items3000 3
Pre-tax profit353 391 207 (47) 904
Cost/Income ratio60.0%56.4%63.5%107.9% 67.4%
Cost/Income ratio excl. IFRIC2157.7%57.2%64.4%109.4% 67.4%
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn)59.761.761.261.1 61.1
Normative capital allocation (Basel 3)6,4356,4166,6766,631 6,539
RoE after tax (Basel 3)(3)16.0%17.6%9.0%NR 10.0%
RoE after tax (Basel 3) excl. IFRIC 21(3)17.0%17.2%8.7%NR 10.0%

(1) Global finance includes Film industry financing
(2) Including M&A
(3) Normative capital allocation methodology based on 10.5% of the average RWA - including goodwill and intangibles

€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues204193192201 790
Expenses(118)(108)(103)(118) (448)
Gross operating income 86858983 342
Provision for credit losses0000 0
Net operating income 86858983 342
Associates3039 15
Other items0000 0
Pre-tax profit89859291 356
Cost/Income ratio58.0%56.1%53.8%58.9% 56.7%
Cost/Income ratio excl. IFRIC2151.1%58.5%56.2%61.2% 56.7%
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn) 7.3
Normative capital allocation (Basel 3)853868828841 848
RoE after tax (Basel 3)(1)28.6%26.4%30.3%30.7% 29.0%
RoE after tax (Basel 3) excl. IFRIC 21(1)33.0%24.9%28.8%29.2% 29.0%
(1) Normative capital allocation methodology based on 10.5% of the average RWA - including goodwill and intangibles    

€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues939596105 389
Expenses(79)(88)(84)(90) (341)
Gross operating income 1471215 48
Provision for credit losses000(2) (2)
Net operating income 1471213 46
Associates0000 0
Other items0100 1
Pre-tax profit1481213 47
Cost/Income ratio85.2%92.2%87.6%85.7% 87.6%
Cost/Income ratio excl. IFRIC2184.5%92.4%87.9%85.9% 87.6%
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn) 1.1
Normative capital allocation (Basel 3)295300352332 320
RoE after tax (Basel 3)(1)12.8%7.4%9.6%10.1% 9.9%
RoE after tax (Basel 3) excl. IFRIC 21(1)13.4%7.2%9.4%9.9% 9.9%
(1) Normative capital allocation methodology based on 10.5% of the average RWA - including goodwill and intangibles    

Financial investments       
€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues 190 174 197 181  742
Coface 177 156 180 165  678
Other 13 18 17 16  64
Expenses(130)(125)(131)(140) (526)
Gross operating income  59 49 66 41  215
Provision for credit losses(6)113 (1)
Net operating income  54 50 67 44  214
Associates 0 0 0 0  0
Other items 2 3 0 0  5
Pre-tax profit 56 53 67 44  220
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn) 5.6

Corporate center       
€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues(37) 79 3 3  49
Expenses(232)(87)(71)(107) (497)
SRF(160)000 (160)
Other(73)(86)(71)(107) (337)
Gross operating income (269)(7)(68)(104) (448)
Provision for credit losses1(4)4(15) (14)
Net operating income (269)(11)(63)(118) (462)
Associates0000 0
Other items1223 8
Pre-tax profit(267)(9)(62)(115) (453)
RWA (Basel 3 - in €bn) 7.8

For information purposes, the P&L of the retail banking activities sold to BPCE S.A. over 2018 is as follows:

Perimeter sold       
€m1Q182Q183Q184Q18 2018
Net revenues241 242 242 237  963
Expenses(141)(138)(139)(143) (561)
Gross operating income 100 104 103 94  401
Provision for credit losses(8)1(9)(6) (22)
Net operating income 92 105 95 88  380
Associates00 0
Other items00 0
Pre-tax profit92 105 94 88  380
Tax(29)(32)(30)(17) (108)
Minority interests0000 (1)
Net income (group share)  62 73 64 71  271

About Natixis
Natixis is the international corporate and investment banking, asset management, insurance and financial services arm of Groupe BPCE, the 2nd-largest banking group in France through its two retail banking networks, Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne.
With more than 18,000 employees, Natixis has a number of areas of expertise that are organized into four main business lines: Asset & Wealth Management, Corporate & Investment Banking, Insurance and Payments.
A global player, Natixis has its own client base of companies, financial institutions and institutional investors as well as the client base of individuals, professionals and small and medium-size businesses of Groupe BPCE’s banking networks.
Listed on the Paris stock exchange, it has a solid financial base with a CET1 capital under Basel 3(1) of €12 billion, a Basel 3 CET1 Ratio (1) of 10.8 % and quality long-term ratings (Standard & Poor’s: A+ / Moody’s: A1 / Fitch Ratings: A+).
(1) Based on CRR-CRD4 rules as reported on June 26, 2013, including the Danish compromise - without phase-in.
Figures as at December 31, 2018


Damien SouchetT + 33 1 58 55 41 10 
Noémie LouvelT + 33 1 78 40 37 87



PR quarterly series