Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj: Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj launches a domestic commercial paper programme

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj

Stock exchange release 11 April 2019 at 2.30 pm EET

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj launches a domestic commercial paper programme

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj has signed a contract for a MEUR 100 domestic commercial paper programme. Within the framework of the contract, the company may issue commercial papers with maturities of under one year.

The financing arrangement broadens Hoivatilat's financing base and secures the Group's normal investment and working capital financing.

The programme is arranged by OP Corporate Bank plc, Nordea Bank Plc ja Danske Bank A/S, Finland branch.

Further information:

Jussi Karjula, CEO, tel. +358 40 773 4054


Hoivatilat in brief:

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj specialises in producing, developing, owning and leasing out nursing homes, day care centres and service communities. Founded in 2008, the company has been working in cooperation with as many as 60 Finnish municipalities and has launched 180 property projects throughout Finland.