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Source: Data Respons ASA

Data Respons ASA: Mandatory notification of trade – Exercise of share options

At the annual general meeting in 2016 the general meeting approved a 3 year share option scheme for senior management within a framework of 1 440 000 share options. The purpose of the share option program was to promote the long-term value creation by establishing incentives for value creation for senior management, and to facilitate mutual interests between management and shareholders, in addition to being able to offer competitive terms to attract and retain competent and experienced employees in senior management and key positions.

Based on the approval in the annual general meeting in 2016, the Board of Directors allocated 480 000 share options in April 2017 and an additional 480 000 share options in April 2018, with reference to the company’s annual report for 2018, note 6, and the last tranche of 480 000 share options was allocated on April 12th, 2019. The strike price was equal to the market value of the Data Respons shares in April 2016, April 2017 and April 2018 respectively. The participants must be an employee of the company to be allowed to exercise the share options. The exercise period for all share options is 10 bank days starting from 15 April 2019.

On 15 April 2019 the participants in the share option scheme exercised a total of 1 440 000 share options (equal to 1 440 000 shares) to an average strike price of NOK 19,51 per share.

The primary innsiders in Data Respons exercised the following number of share options:

Kenneth Ragnvaldsen, CEO, 600 000 share options
Rune Wahl, CFO, 390 000 share options
Jørn E. Toppe, COO, 230 000 share options

On the same date Data Respons ASA purchased 1 440 000 own shares at a price of NOK  31,80 per share to settle its obligation to deliver the shares. The shares were purchased in accordance with the authorisation granted at the annual general meeting on 12 April 2019. The Board of Directors used the authorization to purchase treasury shares based on the financial solidity of the company and in order to optimize the company’s capital structure. Following these transactions Data Respons still holds zero treasury shares.

The 15 April 2019 the primary insiders listed above transferred their rights to receive shares resulting from the exercise of their share options to a third party against a consideration to be determined on the basis of the price subsequently obtained by the third party when selling the shares. The price subsequently obtained was NOK  31,80 per share.

After exercising the options the primary insiders listed above hold the following number of shares and unexercised options in Data Respons:

Name                                Title              Shares          Share options
Kenneth Ragnvaldsen         CEO              325 595        0
Rune Wahl                         CFO              124 595        0
Jørn E. Toppe                    COO              167 032        0

For further information: 

Kenneth Ragnvaldsen, CEO, Data Respons ASA, tel. +47 913 90 918.

Rune Wahl, CFO, Data Respons ASA, tel. + 47 950 36 046

About Data Respons
Data Respons is a full-service, independent technology company and a leading player in the IoT, Industrial digitalisation and the embedded solutions market. We provide R&D services and smarter solutions to OEM companies, system integrators and vertical product suppliers in a range of market segments such as Transport & Automotive, Industrial Automation, Telecom & Media, Space, Defence & Security, Medtech, Energy & Maritime, and Finance & Public Sector.

Data Respons ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (Ticker: DAT), and is part of the information technology index. The company has offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Taiwan.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.