Source: Icelandair Group hf.

Partial Redemption of Bonds with ISIN NO0010776982

Reference is made to Bonds with ISIN NO0010776982 (the "Bonds") issued by the Icelandair Group hf. (the “Issuer”). The current outstanding amount of the Bonds is USD 126,666,667.

Notice is hereby given that the Issuer will redeem USD 50,666,667 of its outstanding Bonds on 27 May 2019. Subsequent to the redemption, 40% of the issued bond amount will remain outstanding, amounting to USD 76,000,000.


Contact information:

Investors: Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director Investor Relations, E-mail: iris@icelandairgroup.is
Media: Ásdís Pétursdóttir, Communications Director, E-mail: asdis@icelandair.is