IDEX shares as board remuneration 2018-2019

The annual general meeting of IDEX Biometrics ASA on 9 May 2019 resolved that the board members could elect to receive all or part of the board remuneration in the form of shares in IDEX; that the number of shares shall correspond to a value of 133 per cent of the NOK amount of board remuneration taken in shares; that the board member must pay a subscription price per share equal to the par value of the share, being NOK 0.15; and that the shares are locked up for one year from the date of the annual general meeting.

Three board members took full or part of the board remuneration in shares, and 236,695 new shares will be issued when the share capital has been paid in.

Following the issue of the new shares to the board members, the company's share capital will be NOK 89,698,309.80 divided into 597,988,732 registered shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15.

For further information contact:
Stuart Hunt, Head of Investor Relations & Communications, +44 1276 534 632

About IDEX Biometrics
IDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX) is the leading provider of fingerprint identification technologies offering simple, secure and personal authentication for all. We help people make payments, prove their identity, gain access to information, unlock devices or gain admittance to buildings with the touch of a finger. We invent, engineer and commercialize these secure, yet incredibly user-friendly solutions. Our total addressable market represents a fast-growing multi-billion-unit opportunity.

For more information, visit and follow @IDEXBiometrics

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