MSAB: Annual General Meeting Notice 2019

The Annual General Meeting in MSAB on 15 May 2019 decided to:

  • Adopt the income statement and the balance sheets as presented in the Annual Report, and to discharge from liability the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer.
  • Adopt the Board’s proposal to distribute a dividend of SEK 2.20 per share. MSAB B will trade ex-dividend as of 16 May 2019. The dividend payment date is set to 22 May 2019.
  • Re-elect Henrik Tjernberg as Chairman of the Board, re-elect Jan-Olof Backman and Carl Bildt and new elect Ann Hellenius och Linda Nyberg as ordinary Board members.
  • Elect KPMG as the company’s external auditor with Mattias Lötborn as the Auditor-in-Charge for the period up to the conclusion of the next AGM.
  • Adopt the Nomination Committee’s proposal for Board remuneration in the amount of SEK 185,000 to Board members who are not also employed in the company, and SEK 500,000 to the Chairman of the Board.
  • Approve the Board’s proposal for guidelines for remuneration of senior position holders.
  • Approve the Board’s proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to issue shares, share options or convertibles.
  • Approve the Board’s proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to to transfer own shares
  • Re-elect to the Nomination Committee Henrik Tjernberg and Leo Gillberg as committee members, and to appoint Erik Hermansson as Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

During the discussion that followed, CEO Joel Bollö reported on company operations and market conditions for the company’s products and services.  
Board of Directors, May 2019

Henrik Tjernberg
Chairman of the Board
Tel: + 46 8 739 02 70
Henrik Bergentoft
Tel: +46 8 739 02 70

MSAB in brief
MSAB is a world leader in mobile forensics technology with the aim of extracting and analysing data from confiscated mobile devices, mainly mobile phones. The company has its own sales offices and sales representatives in Europe, North America, South America, China, Australia, Singapore and Russia, and together with a number of distributors covers most of the world. The company's proprietary products have become a de facto standard in the field and are used for securing evidence in over 100 countries. The products are complemented by a wide range of training courses, with the opportunity to become certified in a forensically sound method of extracting data from mobile devices. Customers are primarily authorities involved in performing criminal investigations, and include police, military and customs. MSAB is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm under the ticker symbol: MSAB B.



Press Release MSAB resolutions from AGM