Source: Resonance Consultancy

JUST RELEASED: America’s Best Cities in 2019 Revealed

Resonance Consultancy has just released the latest version of the most comprehensive city ranking on the planet. Find out how all your favorite cities performed by downloading the free 2019 America’s Best Cities report at

Los Angeles, June 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Resonance Consultancy, a leading advisor in real estate, tourism, and economic development for countries, cities and communities, is pleased to announce the 2019 America's Best Cities, a ranking of the 50 Best Large American Cities (with metro populations of 1M or more), as well as the 50 Best Small American Cities (with populations under 1M).

The full, free report and ranking is available at

The America’s Best Cities ranking is the most comprehensive city ranking on the planet, based on entirely original methodology that uses the opinions of the people who matter most: visitors, investors, talent and residents.The Best Cities program was developed to quantify and benchmark the relative quality of place, reputation and competitive identity of cities around the world.

The ranking analyzes and compares 23 factors in six key categories using a combination of core statistics and online ratings and reviews, from TripAdvisor reviews, Facebook check-ins, Google searches and Google Trends. This helps cities, and their leaders, understand their strengths and weaknesses through the lens of the people who visit and live in each city.The Best Cities program has been utilized by dozens of Resonance clients to build a foundation of data from which they confidently launch everything from tourism master plans to economic development strategies.

National Geographic uses the Resonance Best Cities program for diverse global editorial projects—from annual city rankings to deeper monthly travel stories. Bloomberg calls the methodology “the most comprehensive study of its kind; it identifies cities that are most desirable for locals, visitors, and businesspeople alike, rather than simply looking at livability or tourism appeal.”

So without further ado, here are America’s Best Cities in 2019…


  1. New York
  2. Chicago
  3. Los Angeles
  4. San Francisco
  5. Washington
  6. San Diego
  7. Las Vegas
  8. Miami
  9. Seattle
  10. Boston


  1. Honolulu
  2. Omaha
  3. Charleston
  4. Albuquerque
  5. Tulsa
  6. Reno
  7. Asheville
  8. Colorado Springs
  9. Myrtle Beach
  10. Madison

The full 2019 America’s Best Cities Report can be downloaded for free at


“For more than a decade, Resonance has created place-branding strategies, tourism and economic development plans and trend reports for city, tourism and economic development organizations,” says Resonance President and CEO Chris Fair. “We do this to empower place managers and marketers with new tools and perspectives on the key factors that shape a city’s competitive identity, community well-being, and future prosperity.”

Fair says his firm has come to understand that traditional performance indicators alone—economic output, investment and visitor numbers, for example—don’t reveal the whole story for cities and their tourism and economic development agencies. Visitors and citizens themselves are increasingly influencing the identity and perception of cities through the millions of evaluations of experiences they share online with family, friends and people around the world.

“Much more than traditional marketing, these opinions and attitudes influence the way people perceive places and shape where talent, tourism and investment flow,” he says. “This social media data also provides a rich new source of information to benchmark the experiential quality of one city to the next.”

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As leading advisors in real estate, tourism, and economic development, Resonance combines business strategy and marketing creativity to shape the future of communities, cities and countries. Our services span place development strategy, place marketing, placemaking and place branding. Our team has completed more than 100 visioning, strategy, planning, policy and branding projects for destinations and developers in more than 70 countries. We work with developers, planners, architects, DMOs, economic development agencies and others to make places the best they can be. To learn more about us and our services, please visit

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