Source: T2 Biosystems, Inc.

T2 Biosystems Highlights Current and Future Opportunities for its Breakthrough Rapid Diagnostic Technology for Biothreat Pathogen Detection

Data on T2Candida auris research-use-only demonstrates 5-hour time-to-result
versus 14-days with blood culture

T2MR Technology demonstrates high sensitivity for the detection of biothreat pathogens

LEXINGTON, Mass., June 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- T2 Biosystems, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTOO), an emerging leader in the development of innovative medical diagnostic products for critical unmet needs in healthcare, announced today that the Company will present new data regarding the potential of its technology to be used for the rapid detection of biothreat pathogens during the Fifth Annual Biodefense World Summit 2019, taking place June 17 – 19 in Bethesda, MD.

The presentation, A Rapid, Direct-from-Blood Diagnostic to Address Infections from Multidrug Resistant Organisms (MDROs), will take place on Monday, June 17 at 12:00 pm and will feature Tom Lowery, PhD, chief scientific officer, T2 Biosystems. During the presentation, Dr. Lowery will highlight how rapid, direct-from-blood diagnostics – such as the T2Bacteria®, T2Candida® and T2Resistance™ Panels – can help slow the spread of MDROs and improve patient outcomes. Dr. Lowery will also highlight new data supporting potential future uses of the T2MR® technology for biodefense applications.

During the presentation, Dr. Lowery will share a number of updates on the clinical utility of T2 technology that further prove T2MR’s ability to enable high-sensitivity, blood culture-independent detection of pathogens at ultra-high sensitivity, including:

  • T2Bacteria provides actionable clinical information: New independent T2Bacteria Panel clinical data demonstrates its ability to substantially benefit patients suspected of sepsis in both the emergency department and intensive care unit by providing information that enables significant reductions in time to effective therapy, de-escalation of unnecessary therapy, and avoidance of premature discharges and readmissions to the emergency department.
  • T2Candida auris research-use-only provides significantly faster results in detecting the recently emerging superbug, Candida auris: Research data shows that the T2Candida auris RUO Panel can detect all four known clades  of Candida auris in 5 hours, compared to 14 days with culture methods.
  • T2Lyme clinical performance: T2Lyme clinical accuracy data show T2Lyme has higher accuracy than any of the currently available methods and higher positivity rate than existing PCR methods.
  • T2MR Technology can detect five biothreat pathogens: New data show that the T2MR technology can detect five biothreat pathogens, including: Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Burkholderia spp., Rickettsia prowazekii, Francisella tularensis and Yersinia pestis. These biothreat pathogens can be detected by T2MR technology, which has been proven to work in whole blood (no pre-culture required), environmental samples, other biofluids, and swab samples. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has defined these as biothreat pathogens because they require quick antibiotic treatment and can be difficult to diagnose due to non-distinguishing symptoms, making the development and availability of rapid, high-throughput, high sensitivity diagnostics for these biothreat pathogens a national priority.

“Like so many of our peers at this year’s Biodefense World Summit, we are increasingly concerned by the serious public health threat posed by MDROs on a global scale,” said John McDonough, president and chief executive officer of T2 Biosystems. “Our unique technology is a proven weapon in the fight against the spread of these dangerous biological agents, providing earlier detection and reducing the unnecessary use of inappropriate antibiotic therapy, which is a driver of drug-resistance in these organisms. We also are excited with the potential to expand our technology for the detection of Candia auris, which is already available as a research-use-only product, and other pathogens that are relevant to the field of biodefense.”

T2 Biosystems is the company behind the T2Bacteria Panel, the first and only FDA-cleared test to identify sepsis-causing bacterial pathogens directly from whole-blood in 3 to 5 hours without the wait for blood culture, enabling patients to be placed on targeted therapy faster, improving those patients’ outcomes. The T2Bacteria Panel is one of several panels that are approved or in development that are run on the Company’s T2Dx® Instrument, which is powered by miniaturized magnetic resonance (T2MR) technology.

About T2 Biosystems
T2 Biosystems, a leader in the development and commercialization of innovative medical diagnostic products for critical unmet needs in healthcare, is dedicated to improving patient care and reducing the cost of care by helping clinicians effectively treat patients faster than ever before. T2 Biosystems’ products include the T2Dx® Instrument, T2Candida® Panel, and T2Bacteria® Panel and are powered by the proprietary T2 Magnetic Resonance (T2MR®) technology. T2 Biosystems has an active pipeline of future products, including products for the detection of additional species and antibiotic resistance markers of sepsis pathogens, and tests for Lyme disease. 

Media Contact:
Gina Kent, Vault Communications

Investor Contact:
Zack Kubow, W2O Group