Source: Olainfarm

Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC „Olainfarm” held on June 21st, 2019


of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC „Olainfarm”

held on June 21st, 2019

1. Recall of the Council and Election of the new Council.

Proposal to recall existing members of the Council of Joint Stock company Olainfarm was rejected.

Voting results:  decision to recall the Council was not taken.

2. Recall of the Auditing committee and election of the new Auditing committee.

Proposal to recall existing members of the Auditing Committee of Joint Stock company Olainfarm was rejected.

Voting results:   decision to recall the Auditing Committee was not taken.

Olaine, 21st of June, 2019

Board of the JSC “Olainfarm”

Additional information:

Jānis Dubrovskis

Investor Relations Advisor of JSC Olainfarm

Ph.: +371 29178878