Correction: Received the Audit Committee‘s opinion on the transaction with the related party

AB Klaipedos nafta (hereinafter referred to as the Company) received the opinion of the Audit Committee of the Company on transaction with subsidiary UAB SGD terminalas regarding the transfer of regulated activities of the liquefied natural gas terminal (hereinafter referred to as the LNGT activities).

The Audit Committee of the Company gave the opinion that:

  1. With regard to valuation of the transferred property complex and risk management assessment, the Audit Committee has not mentioned any facts or presumptions to the effect that the transfer of the LNGT activities would be performed not at arm’s length to the extent it is possible to evaluate that in this situation.
  2. The Audit Committee does not see any presumptions or facts to the effect that the transaction, taking into account the precautions, the governance integrity that the management and the Board of the Company have taken or are going to take in order to ensure that the transfer of the LNGT activities is fair and interests of minority shareholders of the Company are protected, would be unfair and unreasonable with regard to the Company and its shareholders.

The precautions that the management and the Board of the Company have taken or are going to take in order to ensure that the transfer of the LNGT activities is fair and interests of minority shareholders of the Company are protected and the governance integrity issues are presented in detail in the opinion of the Audit Committee. At a shareholder’s written request or request submitted electronically, no later than 3 days after the date of receipt of the request, a copy of the opinion of the Audit Committee will be given to the shareholder upon signed acknowledgement or will be sent by registered mail or transmitted electronically, if the security of the transmitted information is ensured and the shareholder can be identified. Shareholders of the Company are also entitled to access the opinion of the Audit Committee at registered office of the Company.

Jonas Lenkšas, Chief Financial Officer, +370 694 80594.