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Source: Foundation for Climate Restoration

Rick Parnell, CEO of Foundation for Climate Restoration, Issues Statement on Climate Emergency Resolution

WASHINGTON, July 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rick Parnell, CEO of the Foundation for Climate Restoration, issues the following statement on the Climate Emergency Resolution:

 “Members of the Senate and the House plan to imminently introduce the first-ever Climate Emergency Resolution in the U.S. Congress. The Foundation for Climate Restoration applauds the Resolution as it includes a clear commitment for Congressional action to restore the climate for future generations.
 "Climate Restoration is the global effort to return the Earth’s climate to a safe and healthy state like which humanity and our natural world evolved by 2050. There are solutions available today that if scaled could remove a trillion tons of excess CO2 from the atmosphere and restore Arctic ice. Climate restoration is complementary to ongoing CO2 emission reduction and adaptation efforts.
 "The Climate Emergency is not a partisan issue. It affects all of us. We urge all members of Congress to co-sponsor this Resolution. At the same time, we invite everyone including civic groups, youth groups, academics, faith-based groups, the private sector and governments to join us in creating a Coalition for Climate Restoration – together we can return our climate to a healthy state. The future of humanity is in the balance. This is the moment.”

About Rick Parnell and the Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR):
Rick Parnell is the CEO of the F4CR, a non-profit committed to restoring a safe and healthy climate for young people and future generations. Climate Restoration means returning CO2 to pre-industrial levels and restoring Arctic sea ice to prevent catastrophic methane emissions by 2050. The F4CR works with partners around the world to connect the right people to the right ideas and resources – to launch financially viable Climate Restoration projects and develop and deliver education, networking and advocacy programs. For more information, visit Foundation for Climate Restoration.

For interviews, contact:
Alexandra Pony
PONY Communications 