Major shareholder announcement

Company announcement
23 July 2019

Major shareholder announcement

Pursuant to section 30 of Consolidated Act no. 459 of 24 April 2019 on capital markets, as amended, NeuroSearch A/S ("NeuroSearch") hereby announces to have received a major shareholder announcement from Nordic Transport Group Holding A/S ("NTG Holding").

NTG Holding has informed NeuroSearch that NTG Holding today 23 July 2019 has purchased 13,266 shares of nominally DKK 20 in NeuroSearch.

Upon the purchase, NTG Holding holds 407,885 shares of nominally DKK 20 in NeuroSearch corresponding to 33.37 percent of the total share capital and voting rights in NeuroSearch.

Other information

As previously informed in company announcements of 5 April 2019 and 9 July 2019, NeuroSearch and Nordic Transport Group A/S ("NTG") have signed a non-binding letter of intent contemplating (i) the combination of NeuroSearch and NTG to be effected by the contribution into NeuroSearch of all shares in NTG (as well as shares in some of its subsidiaries) against the issuance of new shares in NeuroSearch to the shareholders in NTG, and (ii) the offering of shares to new investors (the "Transaction"). It is the intention that the Transaction will be completed in Q4 2019. NTG is a related company to NTG Holding.

Please note that under the rules for issuers of shares, the Transaction will qualify as a "change of identity", see clause 2.9 of the rules. Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S ("Nasdaq") has informed NeuroSearch that Nasdaq will assess whether upon completion of the Transaction NeuroSearch may keep its stock exchange listing following the change of identity. Nasdaq has informed NeuroSearch also that it will begin a process to evaluate whether the shares of NeuroSearch may continue to be admitted to trading, unless in all material respects NeuroSearch adheres to the model for a combination with NTG in accordance with the timetable referred to above.

Mikkel Primdal Kæregaard                                    Allan Andersen

Chairman of the Board of Directors                       CEO

Contact person
Allan Andersen, CEO, mobile phone +45 4016 3864.

About NeuroSearch
NeuroSearch A/S (NEUR) is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S.



Neurosearch - Selskabsmeddelelse - NTG Holding - Storaktionærmeddelelse 23.7.2019 - UK