SpareBank 1 SMN – Mandatory notification of trade – Savings programme

SpareBank 1 SMN has on 9 August purchased 16 351 equity certificates at a price of NOK 99.8863 per equity certificate for use in the group’s savings programme for employees.

After this transaction the bank owns 37 928 ECC’s.

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated 14 December 2018 for more information about the savings scheme. Reference is also made to the stock exchange notice of 29 March 2019, in which the authorization to buy back equity certificates is included in the resolution from SpareBank 1 SMN’s Supervisory Board.

Trondheim, 9 August 2019
Contact person in SpareBank 1 SMN:
Executive Vice President, Finance, Kjell Fordal, tel. 905 41 672

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act