Interim report - Second quarter of 2019 - SP Group A/S

SP Group generated profit before tax of DKK 100.1 million in H1 2019, a 0.4% increase from DKK 99.7 million in H1 2018. Relative to the year-earlier period, revenue was up by 4.7% to DKK 1,035.8 million and EBITDA was up by 18.8% to DKK 163.4 million from DKK 137.5 million. Earnings were in line with expectations. We maintain the FY 2019 guidance provided in Announcement no. 39/2019. We continue to guide for profit before tax at the level of DKK 200 million on revenue of DKK 2.0-2.1 billion.



Meddelelse nr. 46 - Q2 - ENG - 22 08 19