Source: Oboya Horticulture Industries AB

Oboya's chairman resigns due to health reasons

Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) ("Oboya") announces that Chairman Lars Rosén resigns from the Board due to health reasons.

Lars Rosén has asked to resign from the Board of Directors of Oboya Horticulture Industries AB with immediate effect due to health reasons. Lars has been its chairman during his months on the board.

We would like thanks Lars for his contributions during the time on Oboyas board, and we hope that he will recover as soon as possible.

The Board will notify an extraordinary general meeting for election of a new board member and election of the Chairman of the Board. For the time being until then, board member Joachim von Schéele will serve as interim chairman of the board.

Erik Penser Bank is Oboyas Certified Adviser at Nasdaq First North. Tel: + 46 8-463 83 00

For any inquiry regarding this press release, kindly contact:

Robert Wu, CEO of Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ)

Phone: + 46 (0)735 63 09 35

About Oboya Horticulture Industries AB

Oboya Horticulture aims to become a world-leading total supplier of consumables and logistics products for the cultivation industry as well as consumer products for home cultivation and indoor environments. Production takes place in factories in China, Poland, Vietnam and Kenya. More information about the company is available at
