Aqua Bio Technology Asa – Exercise of Warrants

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice of Aqua Bio Technology ASA ("ABT" or the "Company") published on 14 February 2019 and on 28 June 2019, regarding independent subscription rights issued by the Company ("Warrants").

Each Warrant gives the holder a right to subscribe for one (1) share in the Company at a subscription price of NOK 2.50 per share.  The exercise period for the Warrants commenced on 30 June 2019 and expires on 1 September 2019. Warrants that are not exercised within the end of 1 September 2019 will lapse automatically without compensation to the holder.

ABT have received confirmation for an exercise of 3,200,000 warrants for gross proceeds of NOK 8 million.

  * Member of the Board Roger Hofseth (through Finnvik Eiendom AS) has exercised 1,500,000 Warrants for an amount of NOK 3,750,000;
  * Member of the Board Jan Pettersson (through Initia AB and Swelandia International AB) has exercised 1,200,000 Warrants for an amount of NOK 3,000,000;
  * Chairman of the Board Edvard Cock (through Blixen Invest AS) has exercised 500,000 Warrants for an amount of NOK 1,250,000

If no other Warrants are exercised before the end of the exercise period Roger Hofseth will own 3,687,000 shares (24.6%), Jan Pettersson will own 3,720,000 shares (24.9%) and Edvard Cock will own 1,000,000 shares (6.7%).

For further information, please contact Espen Kvale, acting CEO, telephone +47 916 28 092 or

Aqua Bio Technology (ABT) is developing and commercializing sustainable biotechnology for use in skin care products. ABT's cosmetics ingredients are highly effective and they provide the cosmetics industry with natural alternatives to traditional ingredients. ABT is also marketing and distributing natural skin care products developed by partners towards consumers and professional users. Aqua Bio Technology is listed on the Axess market of the Oslo Stock Exchange.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.