Source: Nordax Bank AB

Bank Norwegian AS: Successful placement of senior unsecured bond issues and buy-back in BANKN12 PRO and BANKN17 PRO

Bank Norwegian AS refers to the announcement on 5 September 2019. The bank has on September 9 issued two senior unsecured bonds denominated in NOK and SEK with the following terms:

NOK 400 million with a 3 year tenor with a coupon equal to 3 months NIBOR + 1.40% p.a

SEK 400 million with a 3 year tenor with a coupon equal to 3 months STIBOR + 1.40% p.a.


Settlement date for both issues is 16 September 2019. The NOK denominated bond will be listed on Nordic ABM. The SEK denominated bond will be listed under Bank Norwegian's EMTN program.

Bank Norwegian has at the same time repurchased nominal NOK 365 million in BANKN12 PRO (NO0010790850) and SEK 80 million in BANKN17 PRO (NO0010810534) with settlement 16 September 2019.

DNB Markets and SEB acted as joint lead managers.


Contact persons: CFO Pål Svenkerud; phone +47 93403904;

Head of treasury Mats Benserud; phone +47 95891539;

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act