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Source: Acrow Bridge

Acrow Provides Safe and Reliable Detours for Structures Damaged in Midwest Flooding

Two bridges in northeast Nebraska open critical routes for residents and first responders

PARSIPPANY, N.J., Sept. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acrow Bridge, a leading international bridge engineering and supply company, is pleased to announce the opening of two of its modular steel bridges in Nebraska, restoring important routes that were closed after the record flooding across the Midwest earlier this year.  

When damage assessment began, Acrow was contacted by Nebraska’s Department of Transportation (NDOT), as it was expected modular bridges would be needed to provide emergency transportation solutions in the northeast portion of the state. By early April, NDOT had identified two severely damaged bridges requiring detour bridging during the rebuilding of the permanent structures. A decision was made to use Acrow bridges at both locations to reestablish connections and provide relief to local residents and first responders who were experiencing lengthy detours.

The first Acrow structure opened on Highway 281 in the Spencer Dam/Niobrara River area consists of six spans of 100’ each with an 18’ roadway width. The second detour bridge is on Highway 12 west of the Village of Niobrara and also consists of six 100’ spans, but has a 24’ width.

Components for the projects began shipping in early July with the anticipation that both structures would be completed by early August. The Spencer Dam Highway 281 bridge reopened on July 29 and the Niobrara Highway 12 bridge on August 13. It is anticipated the bridges will be in use for 12 to 16 months until the permanent structures are completed.

“The decision to use modular detour bridges during these projects made sense,” said Tom Pinder, Acrow’s Western Sales Manager. “Quick to build and install, they are easily transported even in challenging locations such as these, where materials were required to be delivered over damaged roads.”

“Acrow’s modular bridges, available for rent or purchase, are a great choice for detours when it is critical to restore transportation lifelines rapidly,” added Bill Killeen, CEO of Acrow. “Expertly designed and engineered, our steel bridges feature customizable modular design, superior quality and durability.”

Hawkins Construction Company is serving as contractor for both projects. Engineering services are being provided by Olsson Associates for the Highway 281 project and Alfred Benesch & Company for the project on Highway 12. The rental of the Acrow bridge for Highway 281 was handled by Hawkins and the purchase of the Acrow bridge for Highway 12 was handled by Hawkin’s subcontractor United Contractors, Inc.

About Acrow Bridge
Acrow Bridge has been serving the transportation and construction industries for more than 60 years with a full line of modular steel bridging solutions for vehicle, rail, military and pedestrian use. Acrow’s extensive international presence includes its leadership in the development and implementation of bridge infrastructure projects in over 80 countries, covering Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, please visit

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Tracy Van Buskirk
Marketcom PR
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