Source: Detection Technology Oyj

Shareholders' Nomination Board appointed at Detection Technology

Detection Technology Plc company announcement 12 September 2019 at 09:00 (EEST)

Shareholders' Nomination Board appointed at Detection Technology

A Shareholders' Nomination Board has been appointed at Detection Technology according to holdings on 2 September 2019. CEO of Ahlström Capital Lasse Heinonen has been appointed Chairman of the Nomination Board as the representative of Ac Invest Seven B.V. Board Member of OP Fund Management Company Kalle Saariaho representing OP-Finland Mutual Fund and Senior Vice President Pekka Pajamo of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company have been appointed as Members. The Chairman of Detection Technology’s Board of Directors Hannu Syrjälä serves as an expert of the Nomination Board.

The Shareholders' Nomination Board is responsible for preparing and presenting proposals to the General Meetings concerning the remuneration and number on members of the Board of Directors, as well as proposals related to appointing members of the Board. The Nomination Board will submit its proposals for the next Annual General Meeting to the Board of Directors by 31 January 2020.

The Nomination Board consists of three members appointed by the company’s three largest shareholders, each of which is entitled to nominate one member. The largest shareholders are determined based on the holdings listed in the shareholders’ register of the company maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd as of the first working day in September preceding the next AGM. The Chairman of the Board of Detection Technology serves as an expert on the Nomination Board, but is not an official member of the Nomination Board and does not have voting rights.

Detection Technology Plc

For more information:
Hannu Martola, President and CEO
+358 500 449 475

Nordea is the company’s Certified Advisor under the Nasdaq First North GM rules.

Detection Technology Plc
Detection Technology is a global provider of X-ray detector solutions for medical, security and industrial applications. The company’s net sales totaled EUR 94 million in 2018. The company has 260 customers in 40 countries. Detection Technology employs over 500 people in Finland, China, France and the US. The company’s shares are listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland under the ticker symbol DETEC.

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, key media,