2-Day Seminar: HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance - Understanding New Rules & Responsibilities of the Privacy Officer (Chicago, IL, United States - November 6-7, 2019)

Dublin, Oct. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance-Understanding New Rules and Responsibilities of Privacy Officer" conference has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

While the HIPAA rules have been in place for years now, the focus of their application has recently changed as technologies and practices have changed, and changes to the rules are also on the horizon. In addition, there are changes in other regulations that interact with HIPAA requirements, and that require consideration in your planning.

This session will focus on understanding what are the challenges that a HIPAA Privacy Officer faces today, and what are the areas of HIPAA that are changing. The session will discuss the latest topics of interest in detail and describe how they relate to the regulations and their enforcement today.

This session is designed to provide an intensive, one and a half-day training in HIPAA Privacy Rule compliance designed for both the seasoned HIPAA professional as well as the individual newly appointed to the position of HIPAA Privacy Officer, covering:

  • The foundations of HIPAA and how they relate to the issues of today
  • Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification under HIPAA
  • Changes in Rules, Technologies, and Practices that Impact HIPAA Compliance
  • Patient Rights and Controls on Uses and Disclosures
  • New Guidance, and Other Regulations Related to Personal Information
  • Challenges with issues today that didn't even exist a few years ago, such as insecure communications, Ransomware, and the E.U.'s GDPR
  • Interactions with the SAMHSA 42 CFR Part 2 regulations on information relating to substance use disorders

This seminar will also explain audits and enforcement, and how privacy regulations relate to security and breach regulations, as well as responding to privacy and security breaches and ways to prevent them. Numerous references and sample documents will be provided.

Learning Objectives

This Seminar is designed for the HIPAA expert and HIPAA newbie alike who wishes to stay up with changes to HIPAA and related regulations in personal information privacy and security, as well as understand the regulatory issues most frequently encountered in day-to-day operation of health care entities.

Objectives include learning related to a variety of topics, including:

  • Understanding the variety of forms entities can take under HIPAA and how they relate to one another
  • Learning about patient rights, such as access and amendment of information, and how such rights are protected and enforced under HIPAA
  • How uses and disclosures may take place in a wide variety of circumstances, including such hot topics as sharing information with the family and friends of a patient
  • Current enforcement and audit activity
  • Changes to Substance Use Disorder records confidentiality under 42 CFR Part 2
  • The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Ensuring individuals have adequate access of their information under the rules.
  • The place of Information Security and incident management under the HIPAA Security and Breach Notification Rules
  • Processes to be used in managing security, mitigating risks, and handling incidents
  • Proper methods of documentation and training to ensure compliance and help avoid penalties, including the use of internal audits
  • and drills to improve compliance continuously and be prepared for incidents and enforcement investigations

Who Should Attend?

This seminar will provide valuable assistance to all personnel in medical offices, practice groups, hospitals, academic medical centers, insurers, business associates (shredding, data storage, systems vendors, billing services, etc.).

The following personnel will find this session valuable:

  • Compliance director
  • CEO
  • COO
  • CFO
  • Privacy Officer
  • Security Officer
  • Information Systems Manager
  • HIPAA Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Health Information Manager
  • Healthcare Counsel/lawyer
  • Office Manager
  • Contracts Manager


Day 1

Day one sets the stage with an overview of the HIPAA regulations and then continues with presentation of the specifics of the Privacy Rule and recent and expected changes to HIPAA and other rules such as 42 CFR Part 2 regarding Substance Use Disorder information, and the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including the impacts of required changes in your practices to meet the rules.

Overview of HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Regulations

  • Types of Entities
  • Entity Relationships
  • Business Associates
  • Current Issues in HIPAA

HIPAA Privacy Rule and Patient Rights

  • The Designated Record Set
  • Access
  • Amendment
  • Restrictions
  • Communications

HIPAA Privacy Rule and Uses and Disclosures of PHI

  • Using Protected Health Information
  • Disclosures to family and friends
  • Disclosures to providers, care coordinators, etc.
  • Disclosures to attorneys, the Attorney General's office, etc., minors and guardian issues
  • Day-to-day disclosures
  • Training and Documentation Requirements

Current Hot Topics in HIPAA and Privacy

  • Enforcement and Audits
  • Coordination with 42 CFR Part 2 and Substance Use Disorder information
  • GDPR Compliance - Here comes the E.U.!
  • Access of Information

Day 2

Day two begins with a detailed examination of HIPAA Security Rule and Breach Notification requirements, including what you need to do to protect information and what you have to do if you don't, and the day concludes with a session on the essential activities of documenting policies, procedures, and activities, training staff and managers in the issues and policies they need to know about, and examining compliance readiness through drills and self-audits, all as part of a 10-step plan for reviewing and maintaining HIPAA compliance.

HIPAA Security and Breach Notification Rule Principles

  • How the Privacy, Security, and Breach Rules Work Together
  • Security Safeguards and The Role of Risk Analysis
  • Determining What Is a Breach and What Must Be Reported
  • Incident Management and Breach Reporting

Documentation, Training, Drills and Self-Audits

  • The 10-Day HIPAA Compliance Plan
  • How to Organize and Use Documentation to Your Advantage
  • Training Methods and Compliance Improvement
  • Conducting Drills in Incident Response
  • Using the HIPAA Audit Protocol for Documentation

For more information about this conference visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/ond80l

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