Disclosure of received notifications

Regulated information
Nazareth (Belgium)/Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 21 October 2019

Disclosure of received notifications

Pursuant to the Belgian law of 2 May 2007 regarding the disclosure of major shareholdings in listed companies, Fagron received the following notifications.

Notification of NN Group NV, received on 17 October 2019

  • On 17 October 2019, Fagron received a notification that the shareholding of NN Group NV had crossed the disclosure threshold of 5% on 11 October 2019 as the result of the acquisition of voting securities or voting rights.
  • The notification is made by:
    • A parent undertaking or a controlling person.
  • On the notification date, NN Group NV (indirectly) held a total 5,457,883 voting rights. 3,473,314 voting rights are held by Nationale-Nederlanden Levensverzekering Maatschappij NV, 1,060,000 voting rights are held by NN Investment Partners BV, 662,000 voting rights are held by NN Investment Partners Belgium SA, 98,051 voting rights are held by NN Re (Netherlands) NV, 91,187 voting rights are held by Nationale-Nederlanden Schadeverzekering Maatschappij NV, and 73,331 voting rights are held by Movir NV.
  • Based on the denominator of 71,843,904 (total number of voting rights), NN Group NV (indirectly) held on the notification date 7.60% of the total number of voting rights.
  • The notification of NN Group NV can be viewed on investors.fagron.com via this link.

Notification of Norges Bank, received on 18 October 2019

  • On 18 October 2019, Fagron received a notification that the shareholding of Norges Bank had crossed the disclosure threshold of 3% on 17 October 2019 as the result of the acquisition of voting securities or voting rights.
  • The notification is made by:
    • A person that notifies alone.
  • On the notification date, Norges Bank (indirectly) held a total of 2,160,889 voting rights and 94,598 equivalent financial instruments (right to recall).
  • Based on the denominator of 71,843,904 (total number of voting rights), Norges Bank (indirectly) held on the notification date 3.14% of the total number of voting rights.
  • Norges Bank is the central bank of Norway. As part of its central bank activities, Norges Bank manages Norway's foreign exchange reserves and is responsible for management of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). The formal responsibility for management of the GPFG is placed with the Ministry of Finance but is delegated to Norges Bank. All investments are executed by Norges Bank acting as principal and all holdings are registered in the name of Norges Bank.
  • The notification of Norges Bank can be viewed on investors.fagron.com via this link.

Notification of Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen, received on 18 October 2019

  • On 18 October 2019, Fagron received a notification that the shareholding of Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen had crossed the disclosure threshold of 3% on 11 October 2019 as the result of the disposal of voting securities or voting rights.
  • The notification is made by:
    • A parent undertaking or a controlling person.
    • Persons acting in concert.
  • On the notification date, Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen (indirectly) held a total of 607,029 voting rights. The 607,029 voting rights are held by Floorenter NV (ultimately controlled by Filiep Balcaen).
  • Based on the denominator of 71,843,904 (total number of voting rights), Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen (indirectly) held on the notification date 0.84% of the total number of voting rights.
  • WPEF VI Holdco III BE B.V. is jointly controlled by WPEF VI Holding III BE B.V. (itself ultimately controlled by Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V.) and Bajabo SARL (itself ultimately controlled by Filiep Balcaen). In addition, WPEF VI Holdco III BE B.V., WPEF VI Holding III BE B.V. and Baltisse NV have concluded an agreement in the sense of article 3, §1, 13° a) and b) of the Transparency Law.
  • This notification is part of the private placement of shares to institutional investors on 11 October 2019.
  • The notification of Waterland Private Equity Fund VI C.V. and Filiep Balcaen can be viewed on investors.fagron.com via this link.      

In the event of differences between the English translation and the Dutch original of this press release, the latter prevails.

For more information
Constantijn van Rietschoten
Chief Communications Officer
Tel. +31 6 53 69 15 85

Please open the link below for the press release:
Disclosure of received notifications


Fagron Kennisgeving 211019 ENG DEF.pdf