Hoivatilat Plc: Hoivatilat won EUR 22 million school contracts

Hoivatilat Plc

Press Release 25 October, 2019 at 2:20 p.m.

Hoivatilat won EUR 22 million school contracts

Hoivatilat Plc was selected to implement the Salonpää school in Oulu and the Christian School of Keski-Uusimaa school and day care centre in Järvenpää. Both projects are implemented on a leasing model and both include early childhood education facilities. The buildings will be completed in August 2020 and December 2021. The combined value of the two leases, which will run for 25 years, is EUR 22 million.

Salonpää school lease includes a service element in which Hoivatilat takes responsibility for maintenance of the property in accordance with the scope of the agreement. Both tenders included architectural design, construction and lease pricing. The tenders were evaluated based on quality and price.

"I’m really pleased that we can implement day care centres and school projects with the leasing model for municipalities and third sector. We are currently building several properties for municipal customers. We have noticed that significant changes are taking place in public procurement practices: municipalities are now ready and willing to operate in leased premises as well, rather than having to own everything themselves. This requires us to be a customer-oriented, responsible and flexible partner. We are responding to these needs with our service model”, says Jussi Karjula, CEO of Hoivatilat.

Hoivatilat Plc

Further information:
Jussi Karjula
tel. +358 40 773 4054

Hoivatilat in brief:

Hoivatilat Plc specialises in producing, developing, owning and leasing out nursing homes, day care centres and service communities. Founded in 2008, the company has been working in cooperation with as many as 60 Finnish municipalities and has launched 200 property projects throughout Finland and in Sweden. www.hoivatilat.fi


School Oulu Salonpää Christian School in Järvenpään