Source: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

APF Canada Releases 2019 National Opinion Poll: Canadian Views on Human Capital from Asia

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is pleased to announce the release of its 2019 National Opinion Poll: Canadian Views on Human Capital from Asia, which surveyed Canadians on their attitudes toward international high-skilled talent migration to Canada, particularly from Asia.

Due to rapid technological development, growth of the high-tech sector, and an aging population, demand for high-skilled talent has increased in Canada. Meanwhile, Asia, with a young and educated workforce, and now a leader in research and innovation, presents a hopeful opportunity for Canada.

A companion survey to APF Canada’s 2019 National Opinion Poll on Canadian views on high-tech investment from the Asia Pacific, released in June, this new survey examines factors that are crucial considerations for Canada in attracting high-skilled talent. It also informs policy-makers about the challenges of attracting and retaining international talent.

Key findings include:

  • Canadians are concerned (56%) by the talent shortage in Canada and agree (54%) that Canada should look to Asia for international talent.
  • Canadians believe that the benefits (53%) of international talent immigration from Asia outweigh the concerns (36%).
  • While 58% of Canadians think country characteristics matter when recruiting international talent, only 3% of Canadians think place of birth should be a priority when recruiting talent.
  • Preferred types of immigrant talent include STEM skills (74%), Scientists (69%), Professionals (63%), and Students (61%).
  • 58% of respondents feel Canadians have become less receptive to talent from China amid the current Canada/China tensions.
  • Policies favouring the immigration of international talent get nearly 10% less support when aimed at China specifically instead of Asia generally.

“Our 2019 National Opinion Poll on Canadian views on human capital from Asia demonstrates that Canadians understand the important role the Asia Pacific can play in shoring up our own deficit in skilled labour, but also highlights areas of concern to Canadians that will require further policy attention,” said APF Canada President and CEO, Stewart Beck. “The drive to enhance Canadian’s awareness of the vast opportunities in Asia – not only in terms of trade investment, but also as a source of innovation and highly-skilled human capital – is one that we must continue to support as Canada diversifies its interests in today’s global economy.”

The full 2019 NOP results are available at www.asiapacific.ca.

Direct link:  https://www.asiapacific.ca/publication/2019-national-opinion-poll-canadian-views-human-capital-asia

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For Media Inquiries

Contact: Michael Roberts, APF Canada Communications Manager



The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) is a not-for-profit organization focused on Canada's relations with Asia. Our mission is to be Canada's catalyst for engagement with Asia and Asia's bridge to Canada. APF Canada is dedicated to strengthening ties between Canada and Asia with a focus on seven thematic areas: trade and investment, surveys and polling, regional security, digital technologies, domestic networks, sustainable development, and Asia Competency.

Our research provides high-quality, relevant, and timely information, insights, and perspectives on Canada-Asia relations. Providing policy considerations and business intelligence for stakeholders across the Asia Pacific, our work includes Reports, Policy Briefs, Case Studies, Dispatches, and a regular Asia Watch newsletter that together support these thematic areas.

APF Canada also works with business, government, and academic stakeholders to provide custom research, data, briefing and Asia Competency training for Canadian organizations. This ‘micro-consulting’ service is available by request and we would be pleased to work with you to meet your business intelligence needs.

Contact us at communications@asiapacific.ca or visit us online at www.asiapacific.ca