Source: Olainfarm

JSC Olainfarm warns about unlawful actions of a group of persons in extraordinary shareholders' meetings

JSC Olainfarm has approached the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB), the Ministry of Justice (TM) and the Register of Enterprises (UR) with information on possible illegal activities related to the upcoming extraordinary shareholders' meetings on November 1. These could be aimed at the unlawful acquisition of control of JSC Olainfarm by a certain group of persons in order to gain personal benefits.

According to information available to JSC Olainfarm, attempts could be made by OLMAFARM Ltd to participate in the announced extraordinary shareholders' meetings, even though the court has prohibited OLMAFARM Ltd from voting during the JSC Olainfarm shareholders' meeting.

JSC Olainfarm draws the attention of the responsible state institutions that individuals or groups of individuals may seek to use their position - both material and political - to influence the content of decisions made by the employees of the Register of Enterprises in order to, through prohibited practices, make decisions in favor of themselves and their personal interests.

In accordance with the law, the Management Board of JSC Olainfarm has announced two extraordinary shareholders' meetings on November 1, initiated by the company's largest shareholder SIA Olmafarm (voting rights temporarily suspended by the court), and Andrejs Saveļjevs, an authorized representative of Nika Saveļjeva, inheritor of V. Maligins.

Additional information:       
Jānis Dubrovskis
Investor Relations Advisor of JSC Olainfarm
Phone: +371 29178878