Bergman & Beving AB: Repurchase of own shares

Press release

Repurchase of own shares

In accordance with the authorisation issued by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 26 August 2019, Bergman & Beving AB has today repurchased 200,000 B shares at an average price of SEK 84,25 per share.

After the repurchase, the total number of shares held in treasury amounts to 689,677 class B shares.

The total number of shares in Bergman & Beving AB amounts to 27,436,416 and the number of shares outstanding is 26,746,739.

Stockholm, 31 October 2019

Bergman & Beving AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:

Peter Schön, CFO, Tel: +46 70 339 89 99

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 16:00 CET on 31 October 2019.

Bergman & Beving owns and refines companies that develop and market strong brands for professional users in industry and construction, mainly in the Nordic region, the Baltic States and Poland. Bergman & Beving aims to enable successful product companies to take the next step and become leading brands in their categories. The Group currently has some 17 brands, about 1,000 employees and revenue of approximately SEK 3.9 billion. Bergman & Beving is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Read more on the company’s website:


