Mohawk Industries 公佈第三季度業績

喬治亞洲卡爾霍恩, Nov. 08, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) 今天宣佈 2019 年第三季度的淨收益為 1.56 億美元,攤薄後每股盈利 (EPS)為 2.15 美元。調整後的淨盈利為 1.99 億美元,每股盈利為 2.75 美元,不包括調整、收購和其他費用。2019 年第三季度的淨銷售額為 25 億美元,按報告季度下降 1.0 %,但是按固定貨幣和天數計算為持平。2018 年的第三季度淨銷售額為 25 億美元,淨盈利為 2.27 億美元,每股盈利為 3.02 美元,調整後淨盈利為 2.46 億美元,每股為 3.29 美元,不包括調整、收購和其他費用。

在截至 2019 年 9 月 28 日的九個月中,淨收益和每股收益分別為 4.8 億美元和 6.61 美元。調整後的淨收益為 5.64 億美元,每股收益為 7.77 美元,不包括調整、收購和其他費用。在 2019 年的九個月期間,淨銷售額為 75 億美元,與上年同期持平,或按固定貨幣和天數計算增長為 3%。在截至 2018 年 9 月 29 日的九個月期間,淨銷售額為 75 億美元,淨收益為 6.32 億美元,每股收益為 8.42 美元;淨收益和每股收益分別為 7.35 億美元和 9.80 美元,不包括調整、收購和其他費用。

談及 Mohawk Industries 之第三季度業績時,主席兼行政總裁 Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum 表示: 「儘管我們對表現不滿意,但第三季度營運業績符合了我們的預期。猶如預期,由於零售業需求疲軟,受 LVT 影響,加上美元持續強勢及陶瓷行業庫存過剩,我們的美國業務在這段時間面臨了最大的挑戰。我們其他主要市場的趨勢減弱,創造了更具競爭性的環境。我們希望目前的情況持續下去,並會根據需要調整我們的策略。

「我們正採取多項措施來改善我們的業務,其中最重要的措施是令陶瓷的生產與美國的需求保持一致,並重新調整我們在北美的地毯業務,優化我們的 LVT 製造及擴大新工廠。此外,我們正在引入新的產品類別,引入創新產品並擴展和優化我們最近在澳洲、紐西蘭及巴西之收購。我們將在銷售人員及市場營銷方面投入更多資源,以增加我們在新產品及現有產品中的滲透率。我們將繼續精簡營運流程以提高效率,並且利用自動化和流程強化功能來降低成本。

「我們這季度的自由現金流是遞年增長,我們的資產負債表仍然強勢。自第三季度以來,我們根據股票收購計劃,以約 9,100 萬美元購入了 74 萬股股票。

「在該季度,我們全球陶瓷部門銷售額按報告增長了 3.5%,按固定貨幣和天數計算増長 4%。根據報告,該部門的經營利潤率為 9%,主要由於通貨膨脹、臨時停工的成本和營銷投資部分抵消了生產力,因此同比下降。我們在全球的陶瓷業務正面臨經濟放緩的趨勢,並且過剩的行業產能正在加劇其競爭。美國的陶瓷市場受到渠道中的產品組合下降、消費者轉向 LVT 及過剩庫存之影響。近期,美國對中國進口商品徵收 104% 的關稅,並預計還會進一步徵收反傾銷稅。我們預計美國陶瓷市場將保持疲軟,我們正採取措施來改善我們的銷售和成本。我們在擴大石材外觀和拋光磚等產品,並引入其他具價值的產品系列。我們將限量推出新的易安裝瓷磚,並將於今年年初進行更廣泛的擴展。我們正為瓷質屋頂及厚質景觀磚開發新市場。我們在田納西州的廚用工作檯之新工廠正在擴建,也正在完善加工程序及配套,並且正在研發新產品。儘管墨西哥的經濟增長放緩,但我們通過擴大產品種類及擴大客戶群,而跑羸了行業。我們以優越品牌和領先的產品而超越了巴西的陶瓷市場,並且正在加設新瓷器生產線。在歐洲,由於我們增加了低價瓷磚的銷量,下降的需求正在影響價格及壓縮利潤率。我們正在通過擴展商業技術瓷磚、瓷板和戶外產品來加強我們較高價值的產品。我們的俄羅斯陶瓷業務是市場領導者,並由於我們的國家分銷系統、旗下及專營的店鋪,以及項目規範 團隊而正在增加市場佔有率。

「在該季度的報告,我們地板北美分部的銷售額下跌 4%,而營業利潤率為 8%。該業務部門的營業收入下降主要是由於銷量下跌和通貨膨脹。該部門已按產品類別進行重組,以增強我們的銷售、產品和營運策略以及執行力。聚酯纖維地氈在疲軟的市場中繼續獲得市場佔有率,這減少了我們的整體產品組合。我們已經完成了再生聚酯纖維的擴展,以支持該類別的持續增長。我們的住宅用地氈生產之重新調整將於第四季度完成,這樣會改善我們的成本、質量和服務。我們將關閉成本較高的擠型及染色資產,並合併紗線和簇絨業務。我們增加了自動化程度及升級了資產以減少我們的裡布和紗線成本。我們的商業業務在住宅上繼續領先,其中地毯磚和 LVT 地板的增長最快。我們正在擴大我們的銷售組織及增加我們的地氈磚的製造。在這段時間,LVT 地板的銷售超過其他類別,而我們的營運也提升了產量、速度和成本。在九月份,我們創下了硬性 LVT 地板生產的記錄,而我們靈活的 LVT 地板生產線之運行速度可媲美我們的歐洲業務。隨著我們擴大在公寓和家庭中心方面的地位,我們製造的乙烯基板材之銷售持續增長。我們擴展了防水層壓板產品,另外我們的 RevWood 系列正以其卓越的耐刮和抗凹陷性,並一流的視覺效果和更大的價值而在增長。

「根據報告,本季度我們的全球其他地板業務的銷售下跌了 2%,並按固定匯率增長了 2.5%。根據報告,該部門的經營利潤率為 14%,由於成交量增長和通脹率下降,被價格和組合抵消。在較慢的環境中,該部門在產品的創新、成本改善、新業務和收購的帶動下取得了可觀的業績。我們新的 LVT 地板、乙烯基板材、層壓板和地氈磚業務正在逐步達到我們的預期水平。在層壓板方面,我們優質的新產品贏得勢頭,加上我們改善產品組合,讓我們跑嬴了市場。我們推出了 Signature 系列,該系列為設有最逼真的視覺效果和紋理水準,並且我們正將防水技術添加到大多數的層壓板產品中。我們在俄羅斯的層壓板業務擴展正在按預期水平進行,而我們的銷售也正在增長。隨著 LVT 地板產量的增加,我們正在擴大我們的銷售組織,並且推出了新的硬性系列,這系列產品在對位時經過壓紋處理。我們將繼續提高生產線速度、產量和配方,從而降低成本。隨著我們新俄羅斯工廠的銷售擴大及銷量增加,我們的乙烯基板材業務亦有所改善。我們的絕緣材料業務表現良好,售價和材料成本下降,銷量創了歷史新高。我們的面板業放緩,降低了我們的定價和銷售量,但部份被混合和材料成本所抵消。在澳洲和紐西蘭,我們收購的整合工作基本完成。為了提高我們的地位,我們正在提升硬面及軟面產品的供應,投資在我們的零售和商業銷售,並已經關閉了在澳洲的高成本資產。

「我們看到當前的市場狀況仍在繼續,我們正在採取行動,以更好地為我們的業務在將來定位。我們在銷售和市場營銷方面投入了更多的資金,以擴展我們產品的位置,並提高新工廠的使用率。隨著銷售和成本的改善,我們的新綠地項目將取得進展。我們的 LVT 地板生產正在改善中,並且將增加分銷。我們的美國和歐洲陶瓷業務受到較低的市場需求影響,而我們正在減低庫存水平,擴大產品供應,並進入新的類別。美國地毯營運的重組將於今年基本完成,明年我們的成本將會受益。考慮到所有的因素,我們 2019 年第四季度的每股收益預計為 2.13 至 2.23 美元,不包括任何一次性費用。

「明年,我們的業務將受益於我們的新產品,並有更高的初創企業利用率以及我們在 2019 年採取的降低成本措施。我們的業績及資產負債表將可通過強大現金之產生得以改善,並利用未來的機會獲得好處。我們擁有強大的全球管理團隊,他們專注於提高我們的業績和優化我們的長期盈利能力。我們將根據需要調整未來的業務策略。」

Mohawk Industries 是全球領先的地板製造公司,致力創造可提升全球住宅和商業空間的產品。Mohawk 垂直整合的製造和分銷流程在地毯、小毛毯、瓷磚、層壓板、木材、石材和乙烯基地板的生產方面擁有競爭優勢。我們行業領先的創新產品和技術使我們的品牌在市場上脫穎而出,並滿足所有改造和新建工程要求。我們是在行內最受認可的品牌,並包括American Olean 、Daltile 、Durkan 、Eliane 、Feltex 、Godfrey Hirst 、IVC 、Karastan 、Marazzi 、Mohawk 、Mohawk Group 、 Pergo 、Quick-Step 和 Unilin。在過去的十年裡,Mohawk 已經將其業務從一家美國地毯製造商轉變為世界上最大的地板公司,在澳洲、巴西、加拿大、歐洲、印度、馬來西亞、墨西哥、紐西蘭、俄羅斯和美國開展業務。

前面幾段中的某些陳述,特別是預測未來業績、業務前景、增長和經營策略以及類似事項以及包括「可能」、「應該」、「相信」、「預料」、「預期」和「估計」或類似可構成「前瞻性陳述」的字眼。對於這些陳述,Mohawk 受 1995 年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案中包含的前瞻性陳述的保護。 無法保證前瞻性陳述是準確的,因其基於許多假設、涉及風險和不確定性。以下的重要因素可導致未來結果不同:經濟或行業狀況的變化;競爭;原材料價格和其他投入成本的通貨膨脹和通貨緊縮;消費市場的通貨膨脹和通貨緊縮;能源成本和供應;資本支出的時間和水平;本公司產品價格上漲的時間和實施;減值費用;收購整合;國際業務;推出新產品;合理化運作;稅收和稅收改革、產品和其他索賠;訴訟;以及 Mohawk 的證券交易委員會報告和公告中所提及的其他風險。

電話會議時間為美國東部時間 2019 年 10 月 25 日(星期五)上午 11 時
;電話號碼為 1-800-603-9255 (美國/加拿大)及 1-706-634-2294 (國際/本地)。會議 ID # 9847415 直至 2019年 11月 24 日都可以經致電 1-855-859-2056 (美國/加拿大)及 1-404-537-3406 (國際/本地)並輸入會議 ID # 9847415 收聽重播。

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations DataThree Months Ended Nine Months Ended
(Amounts in thousands, except per share data)September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018
Net sales$2,519,185  2,545,800   7,546,160  7,535,016 
Cost of sales 1,827,494  1,825,367   5,492,924  5,343,336 
Gross profit 691,691  720,433   2,053,236  2,191,680 
Selling, general and administrative expenses 451,471  433,189   1,380,826  1,309,730 
Operating income 240,220  287,244   672,410  881,950 
Interest expense 9,316  9,025   30,310  24,416 
Other (income) expense, net 52,713  706   45,929  6,794 
Earnings before income taxes 178,191  277,513   596,171  850,740 
Income tax expense 22,522  49,487   116,273  215,928 
Net earnings including noncontrolling interest 155,669  228,026   479,898  634,812 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest 151  1,013   354  2,447 
Net earnings attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.$155,518  227,013   479,544  632,365 
Basic earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.       
Basic earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.$2.16  3.03   6.63  8.46 
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - basic 72,106  74,603   72,302  74,599 
Diluted earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.       
Diluted earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.$2.15  3.02   6.61  8.42 
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - diluted 72,392  74,945   72,578  74,977 
Other Financial Information       
(Amounts in thousands)       
Net cash provided by operating activities$411,761  273,498   978,086  894,485 
Depreciation and amortization$144,920  132,972   422,693  382,673 
Capital expenditures$124,555  144,594   405,614  642,949 
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet Data       
(Amounts in thousands)       
     September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018
Current assets:       
Cash and cash equivalents    $111,303  91,351 
Receivables, net     1,787,158  1,755,710 
Inventories     2,337,952  2,214,295 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets     491,367  487,114 
Total current assets     4,727,780  4,548,470 
Property, plant and equipment, net     4,600,630  4,586,236 
Right of use operating lease assets     334,083  - 
Goodwill     2,519,214  2,522,139 
Intangible assets, net     916,953  944,661 
Deferred income taxes and other non-current assets     294,102  399,420 
Total assets    $13,392,762  13,000,926 
Current liabilities:       
Current portion of long-term debt and commercial paper    $1,273,158  1,333,853 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses     1,738,859  1,623,418 
Current operating lease liabilities     102,682  - 
Total current liabilities     3,114,699  2,957,271 
Long-term debt, less current portion     1,483,581  1,528,551 
Non-current operating lease liabilities     238,560  - 
Deferred income taxes and other long-term liabilities     790,643  912,100 
Total liabilities     5,627,483  5,397,922 
Redeemable noncontrolling interest     -  31,227 
Total stockholders' equity     7,765,279  7,571,777 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity    $13,392,762  13,000,926 
Segment InformationThree Months Ended As of or for the Nine Months Ended
(Amounts in thousands)September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018
Net sales:       
Global Ceramic$916,422  885,773   2,772,805  2,691,618 
Flooring NA 1,001,908  1,047,540   2,907,327  3,055,468 
Flooring ROW 600,855  612,487   1,866,028  1,787,930 
Intersegment sales -  -   -  - 
Consolidated net sales$2,519,185  2,545,800   7,546,160  7,535,016 
Operating income (loss):       
Global Ceramic$84,410  118,716   286,886  366,893 
Flooring NA 80,223  93,369   140,374  268,779 
Flooring ROW 84,428  84,108   276,392  273,334 
Corporate and intersegment eliminations (8,841) (8,949)  (31,242) (27,056)
Consolidated operating income$240,220  287,244   672,410  881,950 
Global Ceramic    $5,385,279  4,999,334 
Flooring NA     4,020,205  3,989,784 
Flooring ROW     3,736,296  3,709,623 
Corporate and intersegment eliminations     250,982  302,185 
Consolidated assets    $13,392,762  13,000,926 

Reconciliation of Net Earnings Attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. to Adjusted Net Earnings Attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc. and Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share Attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.
(Amounts in thousands, except per share data)        
 Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended 
 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018 
Net earnings attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.$155,518  227,013  479,544  632,365  
Adjusting items:        
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs 1,542  19,890  49,877  58,036  
Acquisitions purchase accounting , including inventory step-up -  7,090  3,716  8,638  
Impairment of investment in a manufacturer and distributor of Ceramic tile in China [1] 65,172  -  65,172  -  
Release of indemnification asset (659) -  (659) 1,749  
Income taxes - reversal of uncertain tax position 659  -  659  (1,749) 
Income taxes (22,807) (7,701) (34,660) 35,465  
Adjusted net earnings attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.$199,425  246,292  563,649  734,504  
Adjusted diluted earnings per share attributable to Mohawk Industries, Inc.$2.75  3.29  7.77  9.80  
Weighted-average common shares outstanding - diluted 72,392  74,945  72,578  74,977  
[1] In September, the US commerce department imposed a 104% countervailing duty on top of the 25% general tariffs on all ceramic produced in China. As a consequence, ceramic purchases from China will dramatically decline and Mohawk is taking a $65 million write off to our investment in a Chinese manufaturer and distributor.
Reconciliation of Total Debt to Net Debt
(Amounts in thousands)        
 September 28, 2019       
Current portion of long-term debt and commercial paper$1,273,158        
Long-term debt, less current portion 1,483,581        
Less: Cash and cash equivalents 111,303        
Net Debt$2,645,436        
Reconciliation of Operating Income to Adjusted EBITDA
(Amounts in thousands)       Trailing Twelve
 Three Months EndedMonths Ended
 December 31, 2018 March 30, 2019 June 29, 2019 September 28, 2019September 28, 2019
Operating income$213,376  165,330  266,860  240,220 885,786 
Other (Expense)/ Income (504) 3,736  3,048  (52,713)(46,433)
Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interest (704) 10  (213) (151)(1,058)
Depreciation and amortization 139,092  137,291  140,482  144,920 561,785 
EBITDA 351,260  306,367  410,177  332,276 1,400,080 
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs 20,412  39,495  8,840  1,542 70,289 
Impairment of investment in a manufacturer and distributor of Ceramic tile in China -  -  -  65,172 65,172 
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up 6,721  2,552  1,164  - 10,437 
Release of indemnification asset 2,857  -  -  (659)2,198 
Adjusted EBITDA$381,250  348,414  420,181  398,331 1,548,176 
Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA       1.7 
Reconciliation of Net Sales to Net Sales on a Constant Exchange Rate and on Constant Shipping Days Excluding Acquisition Volume
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended 
 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018 
Net sales$2,519,185  2,545,800  7,546,160  7,535,016  
Adjustment to net sales on constant shipping days (1,332) -  37,182  -  
Adjustment to net sales on a constant exchange rate 35,215  -  159,570  -  
Net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days 2,553,068  2,545,800  7,742,912  7,535,016  
Less: impact of acquisition volume (70,357) -  (325,352) -  
Net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days excluding acquisition volume$2,482,711  2,545,800  7,417,560  7,535,016  
Reconciliation of Segment Net Sales to Segment Net Sales on a Constant Exchange Rate and on Constant Shipping Days Excluding Acquisition Volume
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
Global CeramicSeptember 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Net sales$916,422  885,773      
Adjustment to net sales on constant shipping days (1,332) -      
Adjustment to segment net sales on a constant exchange rate 8,364  -      
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days 923,454  885,773      
Less: impact of acquisition volume (57,369) -      
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate and constant shipping days excluding acquisition volume$866,085  885,773      
Reconciliation of Segment Net Sales to Segment Net Sales on a Constant Exchange Rate Excluding Acquisition Volume
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
Flooring ROWSeptember 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Net sales$600,855  612,487      
Adjustment to segment net sales on a constant exchange rate 26,852  -      
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate 627,707  612,487      
Less: impact of acquisition volume (12,988) -      
Segment net sales on a constant exchange rate excluding acquisition volume$614,719  612,487      
Reconciliation of Selling, General and Administrative Expenses to Adjusted Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Selling, general and administrative expenses$451,471  433,189      
Adjustments to selling, general and administrative expenses:        
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs (2,051) (9,688)     
Release of indemnification asset (246) -      
Adjusted selling, general and administrative expenses$449,174  423,501      
Reconciliation of Operating Income to Adjusted Operating Income
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Operating income$240,220  287,244      
Adjustments to operating income:        
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs 9,515  19,890      
Release of indemnification asset 246  -      
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up -  7,090      
Adjusted operating income$249,981  314,224      
Reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to Adjusted Segment Operating Income
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
Global CeramicSeptember 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Operating income$84,410  118,716      
Adjustments to segment operating income:        
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs 1,167  181      
Adjusted segment operating income$85,577  118,897      
Reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to Adjusted Segment Operating Income
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
Flooring NASeptember 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Operating income$80,223  93,369      
Adjustments to segment operating income:        
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs 4,095  10,603      
Adjusted segment operating income$84,318  103,972      
Reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to Adjusted Segment Operating Income
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
Flooring ROWSeptember 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Operating income$84,428  84,108      
Adjustments to segment operating income:        
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs 4,435  5,596      
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up -  7,090      
Adjusted segment operating income$88,863  96,794      
Reconciliation of Earnings including Noncontrolling Interests Before Income Taxes to Adjusted Earnings Including Noncontrolling Interests Before Income Taxes
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Earnings before income taxes$178,191  277,513      
Noncontrolling interests (151) (1,013)     
Adjustments to earnings including noncontrolling interests before income taxes:        
Restructuring, acquisition and integration-related and other costs 1,542  19,890      
Acquisitions purchase accounting, including inventory step-up -  7,090      
Impairment of investment in a manufacturer and distributor of Ceramic tile in China 65,172  -      
Release of indemnification asset (659) -      
Adjusted earnings including noncontrolling interests before income taxes$244,095  303,480      
Reconciliation of Income Tax Expense to Adjusted Income Tax Expense
(Amounts in thousands)        
 Three Months Ended     
 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018     
Income tax expense$22,522  49,487      
Income taxes - reversal of uncertain tax position (659) -      
Income tax effect of adjusting items 22,807  7,701      
Adjusted income tax expense$44,670  57,188      
Adjusted income tax rate 18.3% 18.8%






聯絡:   首席財務官 Glenn Landau (706) 624-2025