Fingerprint Cards collaborates with Valid to launch contactless biometric payment card integrating T-Shape

World-leading biometrics company, Fingerprint Cards AB (Fingerprints™) and Valid, a global payment technology provider, are collaborating to bring contactless biometric payment cards to the market. The card, recently demonstrated at Money 2020 USA, features Fingerprints' T-Shape™ module which is part of the 1300-series. It has ultra-low power consumption and is tailored to be integrated in smartcards using standard processes.

“Valid is an innovator in the global market for secure payments, and an especially strong player in the US and Latin America regions. We are excited about this collaboration and to see our outstanding T-Shape now being integrated into all top five payment smartcard suppliers globally. This is yet another manifest of the growing appetite for biometric payments cards across the world, and our strong position,” says Thomas Rex, SVP Business Line Smartcards at Fingerprints.

Introducing biometric payment cards will offer great benefits for both banks, merchants and consumers, especially as contactless payments continue to increase across regions.

“We chose the biometric solution from Fingerprints since they have the leading technology in the market, with proven biometric performance and the lowest power consumption, which is of highest importance for contactless biometric cards,” says Alberto Hernandez, Chief Operating Officer – US Region at Valid.

For further information, please contact:
Thomas Rex, Senior VP Business Line Smartcards, Automotive & Embedded

Investor Relations:
+46(0)10-172 00 10,

+46(0)10-172 00 20,

About Valid
Valid (B³: VLID3 - ON) makes your digital life more secure with solutions that ensure security-based technologies for document identification, mobile security, SIM cards, digital certifications, banking applications, transportation services and anywhere else client data is located. With 6,000 employees in 16 countries, we take into account the particularities of each culture and region to create customized and integrated solutions, making Valid a relevant global player when it comes to online lifestyle. Our ability to safely identify objects, transactions and people makes the Company the largest issuer of identification documents in Brazil, the fifth largest producer of SIM Cards in the world and one of the top 10 global manufacturers of banking cards. When you are online, Valid protects you. For more information, go to

About Fingerprints
Fingerprint Cards AB (Fingerprints) – the world’s leading biometrics company, with its roots in Sweden. We believe in a secure and seamless universe, where you are the key to everything. Our solutions are found in hundreds of millions of devices and applications, and are used billions of times every day, providing safe and convenient identification and authentication with a human touch. For more information visit our website, read our blog, and follow us on Twitter. Fingerprints is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (FING B).




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