Exercise of warrants – increase of the share capital of NKT

Company Announcement

6 December 2019
Announcement No. 18

Exercise of warrants – increase of the share capital of NKT

Following requests from a number of former employees to exercise their warrants from the share option programme issued in 2015 (Company Announcement No. 1 of 9 January 2015) the share capital of NKT will be increased by the issue of 133,746 shares of a nominal value of DKK 20 each. The share capital will thus be increased by a total nominal amount of DKK 2,674,920.

The shares will be subscribed for based on warrants as detailed in above-mentioned company announcement of NKT. The subscription price will be DKK 91.25 per nominal DKK 20 share.

Following the increase in share capital, the registered share capital of NKT will comprise a total of 27,260,115 shares of a nominal value of DKK 20, corresponding to a total nominal share capital of DKK 545,202,300.

The share capital will be registered in Article 2 of the Articles of Association of NKT. An updated version of the Articles of Association is attached and can also be found at www.nkt.com.

The new shares will convey right to dividend for the financial year 2019. The increase in the share capital as described above will not affect the financial outlook for 2019.

Investor Relations:    Michael Nass Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +45 2494 1654



Articles of Association FINAL 06.12.2019 Exercise of warrants_18