Source: SafeTracks GPS Canada Inc.

GPS Ankle Bracelet Private Rental Program Open to Applicants in Canada

Resolve Electronic Monitoring, powered by SafeTracks™ now offers an alternative to incarceration

RED DEER, Alberta, Jan. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- It is no secret that Canadian remands and prisons are overcrowded. There is an opportunity for incarcerated individuals to apply to the courts to be released under conditions of house arrest on a GPS Ankle Bracelet as an alternative to incarceration. Lawyers have the ability to appeal to the courts for their clients to be released on condition of GPS Electronic Monitoring. These applications are being approved and executed successfully throughout Canada.

Possible GPS Electronic Monitoring Private Rental Applications include:

  • Bail - Bail may include a GPS Electronic Monitoring component that allows for the offender to be released while awaiting trial.
  • Conditional Release - Conditional Releases are authorized both provincially and federally by parole officials for temporary release and parole releases with the use of GPS Ankle Bracelets.
  • Sentencing - Sentencing issued by the courts may be carried out with GPS Ankle Bracelets as an alternative to incarceration. In this case, many that are sentenced are under a condition of “house arrest” or some form of restricted travel or activity.
  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) - The Immigration Division may impose release conditions that include compliance tools such as the use of a GPS Ankle Bracelet.

Improved public safety through proactive and enhanced supervision of offenders has been an evolving law enforcement and justice system strategy for decades in Canada. This includes the use of electronic monitoring technology which has also significantly evolved in terms of available features such as GPS tracking, pre-programmed ‘No Go’ zones, real time communications, audible alarms, and enhanced tamperproof technologies.

Such a program has shown to assist with rehabilitation, allows those to continue work and support their families, and limits young offenders’ exposure to potentially worse behaviours and habits all the while creating an environment of accountability.

Resolve Electronic Monitoring’s President, Vince Morelli, has been directly involved with these issues throughout the last 10 years.

 “The use of electronic monitoring has expanded to all release applications including bail, sentencing, domestic violence victim protection, parole and with specialized authorizations in national security and immigration enforcement. Authorization is reflected both in the relevant legislation and through Court rulings upholding it as an appropriate tool under the generic ‘other reasonable conditions’ provisions. The use of electronic monitoring not only enhances public safety but also serves as a huge force multiplier for law enforcement in light of its sophisticated capabilities which Resolve Electronic Monitoring uniquely provides. Further, it has been proven to help individuals who genuinely want to change their behaviour by not falling back into harmful activities and associations. Accountability and compliance are key when rehabilitating and reintegrating back into the community.”

One user’s testimonial offers a great example on how the Private Rental Electronic Monitoring Program helped him change his life.

 “Upon Release on bail with the conditions of a GPS Ankle Bracelet under the SafeTracks™ Private Rental Electronic Monitoring Program, I was able to attend school, empowering myself with education and build my self-confidence. I have become a better person, with goals and ambitions to do good in the community and gain back the respect of my family. Without this program, I don’t know if I would have been able to subtract myself from the dangerous social environment I grew up around. Your program gave me the confidence to move on with my life in a positive and productive way. I was able to reconnect with my family and change my life for the better. I am soon going back to court and regardless of the outcome I will continue to make positive choices and I am grateful for how your program has impacted my life.”

For more information about Resolve’s Ankle Bracelet Private Rental Program, contact Resolve Electronic Monitoring at 1-877-761-4477 or email

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
