Source: iMotion Sécurité

Shortage of doctors in Quebec: iMotion Security has the solution


« Our apologies, but the timeline to see a specialist is at least 6 months. »

How many times have you heard this phrase during your medical visits?
According to the Canadian Institution for Health Information (CIHI), there are only 241 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants. All the regions of Quebec are suffering from a shortage of specialists and generalists. Since waiting times are increasing in the medical field, the situation has become even more critical for patients who need permanent treatments. iMotion Security is the only company able to meet this challenge.

Here is an example of one in many situations; Sophie is a 34-year-old, a full-time working receptionist and a mother to Lea and Jordan. Two years ago, today, she was involved in a car accident that had a major impact on her life and the lives of her family.  Due to the accident her kidneys became deficient, unfortunately, they eventually stopped filtering and cleaning her blood. She now requires more than three dialysis sessions a week.

Due to lack of doctors in her city, she was obliged to do a several hour drive to Trois-Rivières in order to receive her medical care. All the driving time, waiting time and dialysis treatments had led to the worsening of her health and life conditions. There are many more patients that are living the same lifestyle as Sophie.

Worried about these types of situations, the managers of the CHUM Telehealth department reached out to the video surveillance industry to help them find a solution. The solution suggested is to have Sophie treated and nursed remotely by a doctor.

Built on its experience and on the expertise of its team of professionals, iMotion was able to propose a viable pilot project using a combination of surveillance and audio-video components. The level of service quality remains the same as if the doctor was there and the comforts of the patients are always taken into consideration. After application of the iMotion solution, Sophie will no longer have to travel to hospitals in other regions to access health care. This solution has been tested and running for more than 2 years in the CHUM de La Tuque Telehealth program without any issues.

In 2017 the combined efforts of the CHUM and iMotion made it possible to open a new Satellite hemodialysis unit in La Tuque.  This unit has radically changed the lives of many patients like Sophie, allowing them to access quality medical care near their homes and it is a great pride for iMotion.

About iMotion Security:
Leader in the field of technology of security, iMotion has just celebrated its 20th anniversary. iMotion Security offers a full range of security products and services, including a variety of cameras, video management solutions, biometrics and access control systems, and much more. With its experience and strategic partners, this company has been able to forge links with its many clients. iMotion and its team of experts can help you to achieve your projects. Submit us your challenges by filling out this form. For more information, visit and follow iMotion on its networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

For more information, please contact:
Imen Ouzbidour, Marketing Coordinator, iMotion Security, 514-337-0008 ext. 325