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Source: Crown Bioscience

Yale School of Medicine to Present Data on Reversal of Fatty Liver and Plasma Triglycerides in NHPs

CRMP Treatment Shows Promise in Reversing NAFLD/NASH

SAN DIEGO, Feb. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Crown Bioscience today announced the presentation of new NAFLD/NASH data with Yale School of Medicine. The presentation encompasses preclinical development and proof-of-concept NHP studies for a novel NAFLD/NASH and type 2 diabetes therapy, which will be presented by Dr. Leigh Goedeke of the Shulman Lab.

Dr. Goedeke will review preclinical data on a controlled-release mitochondrial protonophore (CRMP) developed by the Shulman lab on February 6th at 10:30am and 10:30pm EST. The webinar, titled Reversing Hypertriglyceridemia and Hepatic Steatosis in Dysmetabolic NHPs with a Controlled-Release Mitochondrial Protonophore (CRMP) is intended for drug developers and preclinical scientists working on NAFLD/NASH therapeutics.

Proof-of-concept NHP study data, using CrownBio’s spontaneous NHP models of NAFLD and metabolic syndrome, will be explored to show the utility of these models for supporting clinical development of novel agents including liver-targeted mitochondrial uncouplers for the treatment of NAFLD/NASH and T2D.

“We have already successfully proved that CRMP safely reverses hypertriglyceridemia, fatty liver, and hepatic inflammation/fibrosis in rodent models, but this is the first time safety and efficacy in NHPs has been shown”, said Dr. Goedeke. “We are hopeful that these encouraging study results will translate to the clinic”.

There are currently no approved therapeutics available for NASH, which now affects up to 12% of the adult population worldwide. NASH is expected to become the leading cause for liver transplant in 2020, resulting in an urgent need for new treatments and relevant preclinical models for their early and late stage assessment.

“It is fascinating to see these results firsthand”, said Dr. Jim Wang, Senior Vice President of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease at CrownBio. “We look forward to further developing our NAFLD/NASH models including highly clinically relevant NHPs, and to continuing our partnership with Yale and other companies and institutions”.

Last year, CrownBio announced the development of four new translatable preclinical NAFLD/NASH models, to continue their commitment to NASH preclinical research. During early 2020, CrownBio will present data on a new diet-enhanced NHP model of liver steatosis, lipidemia, and insulin resistance for evaluating efficacy of potential therapeutics that reduce liver triglycerides and improve insulin resistance.

About Crown Bioscience Inc.

Crown Bioscience, a JSR Life Sciences company, is a global drug discovery and development services company providing translational platforms to advance oncology, metabolic disease, and inflammation research. With an extensive portfolio of relevant models and predictive tools, Crown Bioscience enables clients to deliver superior clinical candidates.

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About the Shulman Laboratory, Yale School of Medicine

The Shulman Lab at Yale School of Medicine is renowned in developing and implementing novel tools that have elucidated metabolic physiology contributing to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. As part of the Shulman lab, Dr. Goedeke uses stable isotope tracer methods to understand how alterations in metabolic fluxes contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and is investigating the therapeutic potential of liver-targeted mitochondrial uncoupling agents to reverse metabolic syndrome.

Media Enquiries:
Jody Barbeau
Crown Bioscience Inc.