Source: Azunosa

Agreement to promote the employment of returned migrants in Honduras

Secretary of State, Secretary of Labor and sugar company AZUNOSA signed an agreement to facilitate 100 jobs that will benefit returned migrants.

El Progreso, Departamento de Yoro, Honduras, Feb. 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the purpose of providing more opportunities and promote labor insertion, the Honduran Secretary of State, Secretary of Labor and AZUNOSA joined efforts and signed a tripartite agreement that seeks the promotion of employment among returned migrants. 

The agreement was signed by Secretary of State of Honduras, Mr. Lisandro Rosales, Secretary of Labor Mr. Carlos Madero and Azunosa´s Corporate Affairs Manager Mr. Nelson Merino. The agreement will benefit 100 Hondurans during the cane harvest season that begins in October. 

This is the first agreement of this nature. AZUNOSA is the first private company that specifically seeks to engage returned migrants back into the economy by offering 10% of its workforce, giving an opportunity to Hondurans who have returned and are looking for new work opportunities.      

In this alliance, all 3 parties will be involved: the Secretary of State will provide the contact and information of candidates through the Center for Returned Migrant, the Secretary of Labor will oversee the hiring process and Azunosa will monitor and provide feedback on their performance. This is an effort to avoid irregular migration, but also to offer a second chance to those who have returned and integrate back into society.   

“We have seen the conditions in which our fellow countrymen return after being deported, we want to contribute to improve their lives conditions, and as a private company what we can do is provide jobs.  We must support each other, as Hondurans, we must push forward and join efforts to promote development” said Nelson Merino, Corporate Affairs Manager for Azunosa.  

Requirements and opportunities

According to the agreement, the opportunities are open to male returnees aged between 25 and 50 who live near or are from the communities closer to the mill, such as:  Aldea Agua Blanca Sur, El Progreso, Yoro, Aldea La Sarrosa, El Progreso, Yoro, El Negrito, Yoro, El Progreso, Yoro, Santa Rita, Yoro. All located in Northern part of Honduras. 

Employment and experience

Applicants must meet one of the following: 

- Experience in agricultural work and knowledge in the use of field tools.

- Technicians in electricity, industrial mechanics, automotive mechanics, and/or bachelor's degrees in quality control.

The Company has generated a significant number of jobs that indirectly impact and benefit more than 13 thousand people; in this way, Azunosa contributes to the creation of wealth. The Company purchases annually from more than 450 local suppliers, which is equivalent to about 600 million lempiras in annual purchases. In addition, it generates 36 million kilowatts of clean energy per year.

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