Source: Visit Glenwood Springs


Hot Springs Mountain Town is 2nd City in Colorado and 7th in the U.S. to Use 100 Percent Renewable Electricity

Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Feb. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Glenwood Springs uses 100 percent renewable electricity, so travelers can enjoy the town without affecting the carbon footprint by staying in a hotel, eating at a restaurant and visiting an attraction. As a stop on Amtrak’s California Zephyr route, even the trip to Glenwood Springs is environmental-friendly.

On June 1, 2019, Glenwood Springs, a town best known for its geothermal amenities, became the second city in Colorado and the seventh in the U.S. to flip the switch and transition to using 100 percent renewable electricity. The hot springs community in the Colorado Rockies is one of few towns in the country that has achieved the goal of sourcing its electricity 100 percent from wind, solar or hydroelectric power. Glenwood Springs purchases all its electricity from clean energy sources, primarily wind-generated electricity provided by Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN), the city’s wholesale power supplier. There is no increased cost to end users, a perk that sealed the deal and benefits the town’s residents, business owners and visitors.

Sustainable ideals favorably impact tourism. “This is good news for Glenwood Springs,” Director of Colorado Tourism Office, Cathy Ritter, said. “Travelers can come here and feel good about not affecting the carbon footprint. For approximately 42 percent of travelers, sustainability practices are a factor in selecting a vacation destination. By choosing to go to 100 percent renewables, Glenwood Springs and by association, Colorado has gained a significant competitive advantage in the tourism marketplace.”

Indeed, the city’s switch to all renewable energy gives its attractions the green light to tout its increased eco-friendly status. Glenwood Springs has always led the way in environmental activism, as the three hot springs attractions use the geothermal heat and recycle BTUs to reduce their energy consumption. A significant number of the community’s hotels and restaurants are also on-board with using energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting.

The new Hanging Lake shuttle and permit system ensures that Glenwood Springs’ National Natural Landmark & public lands are protected for future generations, while improving the visitor experience. Summer 2019, was the first year that a reservations system for Hanging Lake was was implemented. With nearly 1,300 visitors a day, the trail had become so popular that it was in danger of being ruined by overcrowding, trail erosion and threats to the delicate eco-system of the lake. To remedy the situation the U.S. Forest Service teamed up with the City of Glenwood Springs to whittle down the number of visitors to a more reasonable 615 per day. The result has been a huge success.

Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park is built around the preservation and education of the cave system. A few years ago, the Adventure Park replaced all of the lights inside the cave with LED lights to reduce its electricity consumption and the heat generated by the incandescent lights, which helps protect the humidity levels and thus the cave’s formations and tiny creatures.

Few people know that Glenwood Springs was one of the first places in the U.S., even before New York City, to have electric lights powered by the hydroelectric dam in Glenwood Canyon, along the Colorado River. Acknowledging the importance of keeping sustainable ideals at the forefront of Colorado travel and tourism. Providing clean energy to help protect the area’s natural resources is a major accomplishment.

Glenwood Springs has long been known as a wellness destination, with travelers from around the world visiting to soak in the healing benefits of its mineral hot springs since the 1880s. Prior to that, Nomadic Ute Indian tribes inhabited the area and frequently bathed and soaked in the hot mineral waters. Today, in addition to enjoying the hot springs, visitors come to fish, raft and kayak on the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers; hike, bike and ride the trails; camp and hunt in the White River National Forest; and ski, ride, snowshoe and snowmobile at Sunlight Mountain Resort.



About Glenwood Springs

The Land of Water, where world-famous hot springs meet year-round outdoor adventures.
For more information and to plan a trip:

Glenwood Springs is located 160 miles (257 kilometers) west of Denver on I-70.
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Media Contacts:

Patsy Popejoy

PR Rep/Visit Glenwood Springs,


Lisa Langer

Director of Tourism Promotion

Visit Glenwood Springs,
