EDF: Press release on filing of the Universal Registration Document 2019 - Annual Financial Report

Press release on filing of the Universal Registration Document 2019 - Annual Financial Report

Paris, March 13, 2020. EDF’s Universal registration document for the 2019 financial year was filed today with the French financial markets authority (Autorité des marchés financiers).

The following documents are included in the Universal registration document:

•the 2019 annual financial report;

•the report on corporate governance of the Board of Directors ;

•a description of the share buyback program.

The universal registration document is available on EDF website at https://www.edf.fr/groupe-edf/espaces-dedies/investisseurs-actionnaires/informations-reglementees#urd-et-documents-de-reference

Copies of the universal registration document are also available at the company’s head office located at 22-30 avenue de Wagram, 75008 Paris.



2019 Universal registration document filing