Kvika banki hf.: Kvika banki hf. AGM 2020 arrangement and candidates to the BoD

The Annual General Meeting of Kvika banki hf. will be on Thursday 26 March 2020, at 4:30 pm, at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, 2nd floor, Suðurlandsbraut 2, 108 Reykjavík.

The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Report from the Company's Board of Directors on its activities during the past operating year
  2. The Company's annual financial statements for 2019 and a decision on the treatment of the Company's profit during the financial year
  3. Motion on the Company’s remuneration policy
  4. Motion authorising the Company to purchase own shares
  5. Motion to reduce share capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Association
  6. Motion by the Board of Directors to amend the Company's Articles of Association
  7. Election of the Company's directors and alternates
  8. Election of the Company's auditors
  9. Decision on remuneration to directors and members of the Board's subcommittees
  10. A summary from the Board of Directors regarding ownership of shares and group connections
  11. Other matters raised in a lawful manner

Shareholders were given a possibility to have specific matters discussed at the meeting by sending a written or electronic request before 4:30 pm on 16 March 2020. The Company received no such requests and thus the agenda of the meeting remains unamended from the meeting announcement.

Persons intending to stand for election to the Board of Directors of the Company had to give notice thereof by 4:30 pm on 21 March 2020. The Company received notices from five individuals to take a seat as a board member and from two individuals as alternate board members. The Board of Directors has reviewed and confirmed the legitimacy of the notices. No election is thus needed. Information on candidates can be found attached to this notice and on the company´s website: www.kvika.is/adalfundur, along with other meeting documents. Presentation from the AGM will also be made available.

The AGM will be webcast live in Icelandic and the webstream will be made accessible on the Company´s website: www.kvika.is/adalfundur. Shareholders who wish to gain access to the webstream may request a password by sending such a request to the email address: hluthafar@kvika.is.

Shareholders may also submit questions for the AGM to the above e-mail address, either prior to or during the meeting.

According to the AGM meeting announcement shareholders may request to vote on issues on the agenda of the meeting in writing. Deadline for shareholders to vote in writing prior to the AGM has been prolonged. Considering the gathering ban established by the Minster of Health the Board of Directors asks shareholders, under these unprecedented circumstances, not to attend the AGM, but rather cast their votes in a written manner before the meeting starts and to grant the chairman of the meeting a power of attorney to vote on their behalf in the meeting. A Ballot with a power of attorney is attached and accessible at the company’s website: www.kvika.is/adalfundur.

To cast a voting prior to the AGM shareholders are asked to fill out and send a signed, dated and witnessed voting ballot to the email address: hluthafar@kvika.is no later than at 1:00 pm on 26 March 2020.



Kvika banki hf. - AGM PoA and Ballot Kvika banki hf. - Information on Candidates to the Board of Directors