Source: Tallinna Vesi

AS Tallinna Vesi continues to provide water and wastewater services regardless of Covid-19

As a vital service provider, AS Tallinna Vesi has implemented measures to ensure the safety of its employees and customers during the global outbreak of new coronavirus Covid-19. The company continues to provide uninterrupted water and wastewater services to its customers and can assure that there is currently no risk to the quality of the services provided. 

All the security measures are implemented in accordance with the governmental guidelines as well as advice provided by other responsible state authorities. Tallinna Vesi ensures appropriate working regime in strategically important facilities, mainly Ülemiste Water Treatment Plant and Paljassaare Wastewater Treatment Plant as well as water and wastewater networks and pumping stations. Tallinna Vesi has reduced direct social interactions within the organisation, as well as with our partners and customers to ensure their continuous well-being. We have temporarily closed the doors of our customer service office and no face-to-face meetings with partners are currently held. We continue to respond to our customers´ inquiries by phone and e-mail and continue to carry out all unavoidable emergency works. Constant guidelines are provided to all our employees about latest recommendations to mitigate spreading of Covid-19.  

Even though Tallinna Vesi is not currently significantly affected by the spreading of the virus, the situation keeps developing rapidly, so the company will continue to carefully monitor the situation and act accordingly. As the situation is uncertain and evolving, we do not consider it practicable to provide a quantitative financial estimate of the potential impact of this outbreak on AS Tallinna Vesi. Our utmost priority will continue to be providing the uninterrupted vital service to our customers.  

Eliis Randver
Head of Customer Relations and Communication
Tallinna Vesi
(+372) 626 2275