WORCESTER, Mass., April 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, AdCare Hospital has taken additional steps to safeguard patients accessing outpatient treatment. Starting April 6, AdCare began providing telehealth treatment for substance use care offered at locations in Quincy, Worcester, West Springfield,  Boston and North Dartmouth, MA, as well as in Warwick, RI.  Patients can now access Intensive Services (IOP), Early Recovery Groups (ERGs), Individual and Family Treatment virtually with a licensed counselor. AdCare’s outpatient offices remain open to provide services as needed.

For more information, visit

“We are doing everything we can to protect the physical health and safety of our patients and staff,” said David Hillis, Jr., vice president of outpatient services.

“Telehealth services are the safest way for our patients to stay connected to treatment and recovery,” said Jane Jolly, director of outpatient operations. “Bringing telehealth services to our patients -- many of whom also struggle with anxiety, stress and isolation -- helps break down the latest barrier to treatment erected by the pandemic.”

AdCare’s parent company, American Addiction Centers, is also offering free virtual support meetings for the public for those who need encouragement and a supportive community.

About AdCare Outpatient Services

Experience matters. For nearly 45 years, AdCare Hospital, New England’s only level-4 SUD hospital centrally located in Worcester, Massachusetts, with outpatient locations throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island, has provided individuals and families with life-changing alcohol and drug treatment. In March of 2018, AdCare joined AAC (OTC: AACH), a national treatment provider, operating facilities across the United States. To learn more, please visit

Contact:Mary Beth Papcsy
 508-799-9000, ext. 4058
 Media Relations