Modification of Solvay Shareholders’ Meetings’ organizational arrangements due to Covid-19

Given the exceptional situation relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, Solvay’s priority is to maintain the good health and safety of its shareholders, employees and other stakeholders. To this end, in accordance with Royal Decree n°4 of 9 April 2020 on various company law provisions in the context of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been decided to modify the organisation of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Tuesday 12 May 2020 at 10.30 a.m.

Meetings without physical presence of shareholders and with video webcast

The new terms and conditions are specified in the updated notice of meeting, which is accessible in the 2020 General Meetings section of the website:

Shareholders' Meetings will be held without the physical presence of shareholders, and will be broadcasted live on Solvay's Internet site in the form of a webcast available for shareholders.

This broadcast will not allow live voting. Shareholders will only be able to vote remotely before Shareholders' Meetings, by mail or by giving a proxy to Solvay (or a person designated by its Board of Directors).

Exercising voting rights

Postal voting and proxy forms are available in the 2020 General Meetings:

There are no changes related to the agenda items and motions for resolutions.

For shareholders who have sent a validly completed proxy with voting instructions for the benefit of a third party, the votes or abstentions expressed in such proxy will be taken into account, without needing the proxy holder’s presence or the shareholder having to complete an additional form.

For shareholders who have not yet sent their voting form or proxy by the date of this press release, we kindly ask them to only use the updated forms available at the above-mentioned website address.

Right to ask questions

Shareholders are of course still entitled to ask questions, but only in writing prior to the Shareholders’ Meetings, by ordinary mail or by e-mail to These questions will be answered orally at the Meetings during the live broadcast. It will not be possible to ask additional questions during the webcast.

Proxy forms, postal voting forms and questions relating to items on the agenda must reach Solvay no later than Friday, May 8, 2020.

Practical webcast terms

As indicated above, shareholders will be able to follow Solvay Shareholders' Meetings on the internet via a webcast. Shareholders wishing to follow the webcast are invited to register to the virtual event in the Shareholders' Meetings 2020 section of the website.


The information requested from shareholders to access the video broadcast of the Meetings constitutes "personal data" concerning the shareholders and will be processed by Solvay SA (Rue de Ransbeek 3010, 1120 Brussels), acting as the data controller. To this end, Solvay relies on its legitimate interest in managing and securing the video retransmission mentioned above and will only keep the shareholders' personal data until the next Meeting. Solvay will process the personal data of shareholders in accordance with its Privacy Policy, available online via the following link: This Policy contains in particular explanations concerning your rights relating to the processing of your personal data by Solvay (including the right to access and rectify your personal data as well as, in certain cases, the right to be forgotten , the right to limit processing, the right to data portability and the right to object to processing).

This webcast must not be interpreted as an offer, an invitation to offer or a solicitation, or as advice or a recommendation to buy, subscribe, issue or sell Solvay securities.




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