Source: BuddeComm

Mobile telecommunications are a driving force in Kuwait’s telecom sector

Kuwait - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

Syndey, May 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just released, this edition of Paul Budde Communication’s focus report on Kuwait outlines the major developments and key aspects in the telecoms markets.

Read the full report:

Mobile telecommunications are a driving force in Kuwait’s telecom sector

Overall Kuwait offers a dynamic telecoms sector with a strong bias towards mobile infrastructure and services. The telecoms sector has become increasingly important to Kuwait’s economy as the country looks to diversify from its reliance on oil and this is particularly pertinent given the drop in oil prices as a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak.

5G services have become a key focus of the operators which all launched initial 5G networks in 2019. Huawei has formed various partnerships with some of the key operators to further develop 5G in Kuwait.

In 2020 the operators have also demonstrated support during the COVID-19 pandemic through various service offerings and assistance.

While Kuwait’s mobile sector shows considerable progress; the country’s fixed broadband penetration is one of the lowest in the region. The Kuwaiti government is however focusing on building fixed broadband networks and ultimately this sector offers a potential future growth opportunity for both the operators and government. Improvements to the fixed broadband infrastructure will assist to grow markets such as e-commerce, along with smart infrastructure development, start-ups and M2M.

BuddeComm notes that the outbreak of the Coronavirus in 2020 is having a significant impact on production and supply chains all around the world. During this time, the telecoms sector to various degrees is likely to experience a downturn in mobile device and ICT equipment production, while it may also be difficult for network operators to source necessary equipment or manage workflows when maintaining and upgrading existing infrastructure. Overall progress towards 5G may also be postponed or slowed down in some countries. On the consumer side, spending on telecoms services is likely to be impacted by large-scale job losses and the consequent restriction on disposable incomes. In contrast, the demand for mobile and broadband services is expected to rise, as more citizens will require online services for work, entertainment, education, tele-health and social purposes.

This BuddeComm report provides extensive information on Kuwait’s telecoms market and provides key industry statistics as well as information and insights relating to fixed and mobile infrastructure, subscribers, regulations and major players.

Key developments:

  • Zain Kuwait established a Sale and Leaseback arrangement for its mobile towers with IHS Holding Limited in February 2020.
  • VIVA Kuwait became rebranded as STC (Kuwait) in late 2019.
  • The three major operators of Zain Kuwait, STC (VIVA Kuwait) and Ooredoo are all offering LTE services as well as exploring 5G opportunities.
  • The telecoms regulator is supportive of infrastructure sharing in Kuwait.
  • There is a high ownership of smart phones in Kuwait.
  • Improvements to fibre-broadband infrastructure are underway.

Companies covered in this report include:

Mobile Telecommunications Co (MTC) / Zain, Ooredoo Kuwait, STC (Formerly Kuwait Telecom Company (KTC) / Viva).

  • Key statistics
  • Country overview
  • Impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19)
    • Global implications
    • Economic considerations and responses
    • Kuwait implications
  • Telecommunications market
    • Market analysis
    • Competitive environment
  • Regional Middle East Market Comparison
    • Introduction
    • Mobile and mobile broadband penetration
    • Fixed and mobile broadband penetration
  • Regulatory environment
    • Historic overview
    • Regulatory authority
    • Privatisation
    • Infrastructure sharing
    • Interconnect
    • Mobile regulatory issues
      • Third mobile operator
      • Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
      • Roaming tariff reduction
      • Spectrum refarming for LTE
      • Spectrum for 5G
      • Mobile tower management
  • Mobile market
    • Market analysis
    • Mobile statistics
      • General statistics
      • Mobile broadband
    • Mobile infrastructure
      • Mobile tower sharing
      • 5G
      • 4G (LTE)
      • GSM, 3G
      • Other infrastructure developments
    • Major mobile operators
      • Zain Kuwait
      • Ooredoo Kuwait
      • STC (formerly Viva)
    • Mobile content and applications
      • m-banking (payments/loans)
      • OTT messaging services
    • Mobile handsets
  • Fixed-broadband market
    • Introduction and statistical overview
      • Historic overview
      • Market overview
      • Broadband statistics
  • Fixed network operators
    • Ministry of Communications
  • Telecommunications infrastructure
    • Overview of the national telecom network
    • Fibre networks
    • International infrastructure (satellite, submarine)
      • Submarine cable networks
      • Satellite communication
    • Smart infrastructure
      • IoT
      • Smart grids
    • e-Commerce
    • Start-ups
    • e-Banking/e-Payments
    • e-Health
  • Appendix – historic data
  • Glossary of abbreviations
  • Related reports

List of Tables

  • Table 1 – Top Level Country Statistics and Telco Authorities – Kuwait – 2020
  • Table 2 – Kuwait – GDP real growth rate and inflation – 2020 - 2021
  • Table 3 – Kuwait – GDP and inflation – 2014 - 2019
  • Table 4 – Kuwait – mobile operator market share – 2018; 2019
  • Table 5 – Kuwait - mobile subscribers and penetration – 2009 – 2024
  • Table 6 – Kuwait - mobile operators’ market share – 2005 – 2018
  • Table 7 – Kuwait - mobile operators, subscribers and annual change – 2018
  • Table 8 - Kuwait - mobile broadband subscriptions – 2014 – 2024
  • Table 9 – Kuwait – population coverage of mobile technologies – 2016 - 2018
  • Table 10 - Zain Group subscribers and revenue – 2009 – 2019
  • Table 11 – Zain Kuwait revenue, net profit, ARPU and subscribers – 2009 – 2019
  • Table 12 – Zain Kuwait – prepaid share – 2005 – 2018
  • Table 13 – Ooredoo Kuwait financial data, subscribers, ARPU – 2016 - 2019
  • Table 14 – STC (Viva) revenue, net profit, EBITDA, and subscribers – 2012 – Q1 2019
  • Table 15 – Kuwait – subscribers to broadband technologies – 2015; 2017
  • Table 16 – Kuwait - Internet users and penetration – 2009 – 2018
  • Table 17 – Kuwait - fixed broadband subscribers and penetration - 2009 – 2024
  • Table 18 – Kuwait - fixed lines in service and teledensity - 2009 – 2019
  • Table 19 – Historic – Kuwait - fixed lines in service and teledensity - 1995 – 2008
  • Table 20 – Historic – Kuwait - mobile subscribers and penetration rate - 1995 – 2004
  • Table 21 – Historic - Kuwait - Internet users and penetration – 1995 – 2008
  • Table 22 – Historic - Kuwait - fixed broadband subscribers and penetration - 2006 - 2008
  • Table 23 – Historic - Zain Kuwait revenue, net profit, ARPU and subscribers – 2005 – 2008

List of Charts

  • Chart 1 – Middle East – mobile subscriber and mobile broadband penetration
  • Chart 2 – Middle East – fixed and mobile broadband subscriber penetration
  • Chart 3 - Kuwait’s fixed broadband penetration set to grow – 2009 – 2024

List of Exhibits

  • Exhibit 1 – Kuwait Projects Company (KIPCO)

Read the full report: