
McPhy General Meeting: approval of all resolutions recommended by the Board of Directors

La Motte-Fanjas (France), May 20, 2020 – 5:45 pm CEST – McPhy (Euronext Paris Compartment C: MCPHY, FR0011742329), a specialist in hydrogen production and distribution equipment, is pleased to announce that all General Meeting’s resolutions recommended by the Board of Directors had been approved.

Following the containment measures taken by the French government due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the Annual Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") of McPhy Energy SA (the "Company") was held today, under the chairmanship of Mr. Pascal Mauberger, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, behind closed doors, without the presence (physical or by telephone or audiovisual conference) of the shareholders, pursuant to Order No. 2020-321 of March 25, 2020.

The Company reminds that the notices of meeting and convocation were published and the notices sent out in accordance with applicable regulations and specifies that all the documents relating to this Meeting were made available and remain available on the Company's website at the following address: www.mcphy.com/fr/investisseurs/information-financiere/information-financiereassemblee-generale/.

In this context, the Company's shareholders were able to cast their votes by mail or give their proxy by using the voting form. With a quorum of 40.65% (i.e., 7,467,127 of the shares with voting rights), the Company's shareholders overwhelmingly adopted all the resolutions recommended by the Board of Directors and thus:

● Approved the parent company and consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2019;

● Approved the appropriation of the 2019 income and the write-off of prior losses;

● Approved the assistance agreement between the Company and Pascal Mauberger, Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors;

● Approved all Say on Pay related items (including the information mentioned in I of article L. 225-37-3 of the French Commercial Code, the remuneration policy for the Directors, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer for 2020 as well as their remuneration components for the financial year 2019) and set the overall remuneration package allocated to the Directors for the financial year 2020;

● Authorized the Company to trade in its own shares in accordance with Article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code;

● Renewed all financial authorizations and delegations to be granted to the Board of Directors;

● Delegated authority to the Board of Directors to make the necessary amendments to the Articles of Association to bring them into compliance with legal and regulatory provisions; and

● Renewed the mandate of the statutory auditor, SARL AUDIT EUREX.

In addition, it is recalled that pursuant to a decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated January 16, 2020, the Board of Directors, upon delegation by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on January 16, 2020, proceeded with the allocation of share subscription warrants ("BSA") to all shareholders of the Company, the Ecotechnologies Fund and EDF Pulse Croissance Holding having waived the exercise of the BSA allocated to them. The exercise period of the said BSAs having ended on May 18, 2020, the Board of Directors, which met on May 20, 2020 after the General Meeting, noted the capital increase with cancellation of the preferential subscription right for a total amount of €2.1 million by issuing 793,670 new ordinary shares resulting from the exercise of 7,936,700 BSAs.

The full results of the votes of the Meeting are available on the Company's website at the following address: www.mcphy.com/fr/investisseurs/information-financiere/information-financiereassemblee-generale/.

Upcoming events

  • Publication of 2020 first-half results, on July 28, 2020 (after market)

About McPhy

In the framework of the energy transition, and as a leading supplier of hydrogen production and distribution equipment, McPhy contributes to the roll-out of zero-carbon hydrogen throughout the world.  Thanks to its wide range of products and services dedicated to the industrial, mobility and energy markets, McPhy provides turnkey solutions to its clients adapted to their applications in industrial raw material supply, fuel cell electric car refueling or renewable energy surplus storage and valorization. As a designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment since 2008, McPhy has three development, engineering and production units based in Europe (France, Italy, Germany).  The company’s international subsidiaries ensure a global sales coverage of McPhy’s innovative hydrogen solutions.  McPhy is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris (Segment C, ISIN code: FR0011742329; ticker: MCPHY).



Investor Relations

Emmanuel Huynh
T. +33 (0)1 44 71 20 42


Media Relations

Nicolas Merigeau
T. +33 (0)1 44 71 94 98


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