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Source: Olive

Olive Introduces “The Grid” Allowing Employees to Work from Anywhere

Company known for redefining work within health systems introduces new flexible, distributed work model for its employees

COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Olive, the company building healthcare’s AI workforce, announced today the launch of a new distributed, flexible work model called “The Grid”, effective immediately. The plan eliminates traditional workplace requirements, empowering employees to work wherever they are most effective.

It is uncertain when or if the work environments employees once knew will return to how they were before the global pandemic. According to a recent Gallup poll, 62% of Americans are working from home, with 59% preferring to continue to do so, even after school and business closures are lifted. Leaders are being challenged to reimagine the workplace, and choose how to lead their companies into the future. As Olive shifted employees to work from home in early March, the company saw the change brought about by the global pandemic as an opportunity to reevaluate how to retain the best talent, ensure employee satisfaction and effectiveness, all while continuing to deliver their promise to the health system customers they serve.

“Monolithic offices are dead,” Sean Lane, CEO of Olive said. “We have adapted incredibly well since becoming a distributed, virtual team. We seem to be gaining momentum, and employees are finding new ways to connect every day. Olive is now embracing The Grid: a growth plan where we don’t all have to be physically together to be a highly successful company.”

To Olive, being “on the grid” simply means an employee is actively working. The work model empowers employees to work wherever they most effectively drive the company mission forward, be that at home, in a cabin, on the beach, or in an office. The company’s headquarters, referred to as The Hub, will remain in Columbus, Ohio, and dedicated teams will continue to work at AlphaSites: onsite AI command centers built within customer health systems across the country. Olive will begin to open Substations, or satellite offices, surrounding select AlphaSite metropolitan service areas and cities where 10 or more Olive employees are located within the continental United States. The first Substation will be in Baltimore, Maryland, with plans to open in August.

The advantages of a flexible and distributed workforce are abundant, strengthening the health of both the company and its employees, all while enhancing connectedness to customers. As Olive plans to grow after a recent $51 million fundraise, the new work model makes it easier to scale by allowing the company to recruit the best talent for any given role. Prioritizing a distributed workforce over a monolithic headquarters also decreases global health risks and has a lower impact on the way Olive operates. Dispersed company presence also allows Olive to build stronger customer relationships, as well as establish roots and rich connections in technology communities across the nation.

To view open positions and to apply, visit: www.oliveai.com/careers

Olive is deploying the AI workforce built specifically for healthcare, delivering hospitals and health systems increased revenue, reduced costs and increased capacity. Olive automates repetitive, high-volume tasks and workflows, monitoring their performance, identifying improvements and finding opportunities for new work. Olive gives power back to providers through her ever-growing, unparalleled intelligence made up of shared memories, collective wisdom and global awareness, learning like a network so hospitals never have to solve the same problem twice. To learn more about Olive and our healthcare organization partners visit oliveai.com.

Media Contact:
Rachel Forsyth