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Historical New Book ‘Genuine Frontier Liberty: Founded Upon Customary Common Law and Freedom from Government’ is Released

Author Jon Garate presents his personal account of life on the American frontier along with various oral histories from the pioneer era through the homestead era in his latest book

NAPA, Calif., June 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From Deer Park California, in the hills overlooking the beautiful Napa Valley and the city of Napa, comes the latest book by author Jon Garate, “GENUINE FRONTIER LIBERTY, Founded Upon Customary Common Law And Freedom From Government”. However, in sharp contrast to the verdant Napa Valley, the setting for the book itself, is in the stark, desolate high-desert region of northeast California, known as the Madeline Plains. It was here that the author and three generations of his family lived in a primitive homestead community on the American frontier. In the words of Garate, “This long-forgotten self-imposed customary common law did more to keep peace on the western frontier than the Colt 45 revolver and the Winchester repeating rifle.” “The liberty that I describe, is one form of the American Dream – to choose one’s own path through life, and to live in a total absence of any formal officials or police officers. It makes unnecessary what I call government IRE (Intrusions, Restraints and Enforcemets).”

While liberty will always be relevant, it is even more important today with the COVID-19 crisis, turning people’s minds to consider what might happen if our entire cultural and economic systems collapsed. This book and Garate’s first book, “Stories From the Livingroom,” describe how the author’s generation and previous ones were able to live and relish life in a very primitive culture.

“Genuine Frontier Liberty” provides a fresh historical and sociologic perspective on the American frontier and American west through stories rich with anecdotes and proverbs from the mouths of the pioneers and homesteaders themselves. The book details self-governing at its most basic level in the individual, in the home, and in the community by means of customary common law. It also clearly contrasts the liberty that once existed in America and liberty as it exists today. To learn more about this book and Garate’s four additional works, please visit

“Genuine Frontier Liberty: Founded Upon Customary Common Law and Freedom from Government”
By Jon Garate
ISBN: 978-1-7960-4257-3 (softcover) 978-1-7960-4256-6 (eBook)
Available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Xlibris 

About the Author
Jon Garate, born in 1945, spent the first 20 years of his life on the homestead family cattle ranch. He claims his most important education came from his lifelong attendance at the Old Cowboy School of Hard Knocks where he received a Master of Mediocrity Degree. In 1965 he left the ranch never to live there again, although he regularly returned to help with roundups, branding and so on. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Arts from Chico State College in California, Garate spent the next 20 years working for a utility company in Susanville, California, and the next 20 years working as an electrician in the Napa Valley. Garate is now retired and still lives in the foothills of the Napa Valley with his wife Connie. Follow him on Facebook.  @JonGarateBunkHouseBooks

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