Demant A/S - Investor news: New dates for Demant Capital Market Days

Investor news9 June 2020

New dates for Demant Capital Market Days

Due to the global coronavirus situation, Demant has decided to postpone the Capital Market Days scheduled for 22-23 September 2020 in Nice. The decision has been made in light of the uncertainty regarding possible restrictions on travelling, indoor gatherings, social events, etc. that may be in force at the time of the event and to safeguard the participants’ health and safety.

The event has therefore been postponed to 16-17 June 2021 and will take place at the same location.

We apologise for any inconvenience that the postponement may cause and look forward to hosting next year’s event when circumstances are more appropriate.

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Further information:
Mathias Holten Møller, Head of Investor Relations
Christian Lange, Investor Relations Officer
Phone +45 3917 7300




Postponement of capital market days