Regarding the completion of the sale of the shares of UAB Duomenų logistikos centras, a subsidiary of UAB Ignitis Grupė

UAB Ignitis Grupė, (hereinafter – Ignitis Grupė or the Company) identification code 301844044, registered office placed at Žvejų str. 14, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total nominal value of issued bonds 900 000 000 EUR; ISIN codes XS1646530565; XS1853999313; XS2177349912.

The Company informs that on 7 July 2020 together with LITGRID, AB (hereinafter – Litgrid) has executed closing of a transaction under a share sale-purchase agreement concluded with QEIF II Development Holding Sàrl, a subsidiary of Quaero European Infrastructure Fund II, managed by Quaero Capital, regarding the sale of shares of its subsidiary UAB Duomenų logistikos centras (hereinafter - DLC). Following the agreement, the Company sold 79.64%, whereas Litgrid – 20.36% of shares of DLC. Upon closing „QEIF II Development Holding Sàrl” has acquired a title to 100% of DLC.

The title to shares of DLC to QEIF II Development Holding Sàrl was transferred following the decision of Coordination Commission for the Protection of Objects of National Security of the Republic of Lithuania on compliance of the transaction with national security interests, and the adoption of decision on consent for the sale of the DLC shares by  extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Litgrid. The total value of the transaction is EUR 10.1 million.

For more information please contact:
Artūras Ketlerius
Head of Public Relations at Ignitis Group
+370 620 76076