Advantages of MB3D+


Publication of a clinical study on the advantages of
Mont-Blanc 3D+ in the treatment of scoliosis

Spineway, specialized in the treatment of severe disorders of the spine, announces the publication of a scientific article in the renowned scientific journal Spine Deformity1 highlighting the benefits of the Mont-Blanc 3D+ technology for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

An international clinical study of 49 patients
This clinical study carried out by Professor Carlos Barrios (Université Catolique de Valencia, Spain) covered four countries and involved post-operative follow-up of an average of 32 months by surgeons Dr. José Lajara (Spain), Dr. Philippe Mazeau (France), Dr. Karen Weissmann (Chile), Dr. Guahua Lu (China), Dr. Bing Wang (China), Dr. Lei Kuang (China), Dr. Yong Hai (China) and Dr. José I. Maruenda (Spain).

This multicentric group provided the clinical data on 49 patients suffering from adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and, in particular, studied the restoration of thoracic kyphosis (curvature in the middle of the spine) in patients after corrective surgery.

The article, written by Professor Carlos Barrios, concludes that the use of Spineway’s Mont-Blanc 3D+ instruments provides a better correction of thoracic kyphosis based on vertebral co-planar alignment than the other methods and instruments used for comparison in the study.

Restoration of the thoracic spine’s natural curves
Current techniques using pedicle screws have successfully corrected the spinal deformation of scoliosis patients from a “frontal view” without, however, restoring the thoracic spine’s natural curves from a “sagittal view.” These effective alignment methods unfortunately often result in patients having “flat backs.”

The natural thoracic curve plays a part in the body’s overall balance and failure to reconstruct this natural curve creates long-term problems (pain, compensatory deformation in the cervical spine causing vision problems, balance, etc.) that are currently the subject of many publications and communications.

The corrective technique provided by Spineway’s Mont-Blanc 3D+ instruments allows for “frontal-view” restoration of a deformed spine as well as “sagittal view” restoration of a patient’s thoracic curve in a way that is controlled by the surgeon. This three-dimensional correction of the vertebrae thus protects the patient from possible long-term adverse effects.

Stéphane Le Roux, Chairman and CEO of Spineway, said, “We are happy and proud of this article that is the fruit of collaborative work that began over five years ago with top surgeons specialized in the treatment of scoliosis. The results obtained in these different countries confirm the Group’s ability to offer innovative instruments and implants for the spine. It shows Spineway’s ongoing desire to provide solutions that contribute to the improvement of care for patients with disorders of the spine. I would like to thank all the surgeons who participated in this study for their trust and participation.”

This article shows the quality of the Mont Blanc 3D+ instruments developed and patented by Spineway, and the progress this means for patients’ everyday comfort, as well as for the surgeons’ operating technique.

Upcoming: 27 October 2020 – 2020 half-year results


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This press release on July 22, 9 am has been prepared in both English and French. In case of discrepancies, the French version shall prevail.

Spineway designs, manufactures and markets innovative implants and surgical instruments for treating severe disorders of the spinal column.

Spineway has an international network of over 50 independent distributors and 90% of its revenue comes from exports.

Spineway, which is eligible for investment through FCPIs (French unit trusts specializing in innovation), has received the OSEO Excellence award since 2011 and has won the Deloitte Fast 50 award (2011). Rhône Alpes INPI Patent Innovation award (2013) – INPI Talent award (2015).

ISIN: FR0011398874 - ALSPW



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