Source: Jose Pablo Orellana

Meet Jose Pablo Orellana, The young Immigrant Who Succeeded in Business Against All Odds

Los Angeles, United States, Aug. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jose Pablo Orellana, 25 years old, Real Estate Professional in California, US. 

Tell us about yourself?
“My name is Jose Pablo Orellana, I was born and raised in Guatemala. I am 25 years old, I arrived at the United States when I was 16 years old. I reside in L.A county and I’m a Real Estate Professional in California.”

Can you tell us about your childhood?
“I was not really a smart kid, I was always getting in trouble at school. I repeated 7th grade twice, due to my lack of focus. I was always going out with friends and girls, I never really cared about my grades or asking permission to go out. My mother had to bring me to the U.S because my grandmother who was taking care of me at the time she couldn’t take care of me anymore.”

Was it challenging to adapt living in the U.S?
“Definitely, before arriving to the U.S I did not speak English. It was very hard to go to high school while learning to speak a different language. I barely graduated high school, I had to sing to a teacher to get a passing grade for me to graduate.”

What did you do before Real Estate?
“I worked at McDonald’s, Hollister, Jack In the box, as a painter, you name it. My last job before Real Estate was as a banker at Wells Fargo. That’s where I learned about business and money.”

What has been your biggest obstacle in life?
“Leaving my parent’s home when I was 18 and being homeless for about 3 months, I even slept in my car many nights.”

Too many young immigrants that aspire to achieve what you have achieved, What’s your advice to them?
“Don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t achieve something. I shouldn’t be where I am today based on society’s standards. You can achieve anything you want just be persistent and dream big.”

Follow José Pablo’s journey on Instagram @josepablorellana

Media Details
Company: Jose Pablo Orellana
