Netcompany - Invitation to Capital Markets Day 2020

Netcompany invites institutional investors and analysts to join the company’s Capital Markets Day on Thursday, 19 November 2020 from 11:00 to 17:00 CET.

Main presentations:

• Status on strategy by André Rogaczewski, CEO

• Netcompany’s business model by Claus Jørgensen, COO

• Update on the Danish Market by Gustaf Löfberg, Country Managing Partner DK

• Update on the UK Market by Simon Seymour-Perry, Country Managing Partner UK

• Update on the Norwegian Market by Geir Arne Olsen, Country Managing Partner NO

• Update on the Dutch Market by Sander Kluin, Country Managing Partner NL

• Customer presentation

• Behind the quarterly numbers by Thomas Johansen, CFO

A detailed agenda will be distributed to all participants ahead of the event, presentation slides will be available on the company’s website at the start of the event, and a video replay of each of the presentations will be available after the event.


Mogens Dahl Koncertsal, Snorresgade 22, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark (About 15 mins from Copenhagen Airport by car)

Webcast: The meeting will be webcast live on Netcompany Group A/S’ website:


To attend, please send an e-mail to Danni Gundry Moeller* before 1 November 2020.

For any further information, please contact Thomas Johansen by e-mail or phone: +45 5119 3224.

*By confirming your attendance of the event, you accept Netcompany’s Privacy Policy, including the collection and processing of your personal data. Netcompany’s privacy policy explains how we process your personal data. At any time, you
can freely retract your consent by contacting Netcompany.




Capital Markets Day 2020 invitation