Fnac Darty is rated 48/100 by V.E (Vigeo Eiris), up +4 points compared with 2019 and well above the average sector rating of 32/100, highlighting its CSR commitments


Ivry, November 12, 2020



     Fnac Darty is rated 48/100 by V.E (Vigeo Eiris), up +4 points compared with 2019 and well above the average sector rating of 32/100, highlighting its CSR commitments

  • The Group now ranks among the world's top 20% of companies rated by V.E1 for the second year in a row
  • 9th out of the 73 companies in its sector2, up +2 places in a year

Following the ESG and Sustainability Rating conducted by Vigeo Eiris, Fnac Darty is reaping the rewards of its ambitious CSR policy for the second year in a row, obtaining the A2 rating. This performance highlights once again the environmental, social and governance commitments of Fnac Darty — as pillars of its strategy.

Enrique Martinez, Chief Executive Officer of Fnac Darty, commented: "This positive rating bears out and highlights our important and ongoing CSR efforts, in a world where trade is facing particularly fierce competition, while consumers seek trust and sustainability. A pillar of our long-term strategy, CSR is reflected in our Group's mission itself, which aims to offer its customers "an educated choice."”

Sabine Lochmann, CEO of V.E, said: "For the second consecutive year, we evaluated Fnac Darty's performance in terms of sustainability. We questioned the Group's ability to control its social and environmental impacts, to invest in future-oriented activities and to integrate key objectives such as the development of human capital, business ethics, environmental protection and contribution to local development into its operations. The increase in Fnac Darty's score is a tribute to the efforts and actions implemented by the Group. This approach demonstrates a remarkable determination to engage in a process of continuous improvement.”

Fnac Darty is recognized as a responsible player in the distribution sector

Fnac Darty is committed to supporting and informing its customers so that they can make educated choices and consume more responsibly. This "commitment to providing an educated choice" is grounded in a strengthened social and environmental responsibility policy, which is supported by all Group business lines and based on the work of more than 24,000 skilled employees and an HR policy focused on talent management.

It is also reflected in transparent information about its innovative products and services. The tests conducted daily by the Labo Fnac, as well as analysis of the after-sales repairs performed by the Group — France's No.1 repairer — have made it possible to launch initiatives such as the After-Sales Service Barometer, the Environmental Impact Rating and the Repairability Index.

Finally, Fnac Darty relies on a broad territorial network of 894 stores in 13 countries, whose ambition is to share cultural creation, new technology and innovative services with as many people as possible.

Fnac Darty is committed to the extension of product life and a more circular economy

Fnac Darty has been the leading repairer in France for the past 50 years, with 2.6 million repairs conducted and 1.6 million products repaired in 2019. The Group is also the biggest collector of WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) with over 46,000 tons of products collected every year for recycling and re-use.

To promote responsible commerce and sustainable consumption, the Group has launched numerous innovative projects this year to extend product life and support a circular economy:

  • In late October 2019, Fnac Darty launched a new repair subscription service, Darty Max, available in all Darty stores and now on the Internet channel. This unique service offering is designed to extend the life of large household appliances.
  • The third edition of the After-Sales Service Barometer was launched in September 2020 and aims to better inform the public about the lifespan of 63 product categories from the world of household and multimedia equipment compared to 15 categories last year. This new edition, available to all our customers on our websites and in stores, now has a sustainability score, easily identifiable, aggregating both reliability and reparability criteria — an innovation that allows all categories of products to be compared with each other and for a comparison to be made between the brands.
  • The Group has also used this sustainability score to expand the selection of products with the “Darty Sustainable Choice” label, which now includes 152 products (83 large household appliances and 69 small household appliances). This innovation, implemented in all Darty stores, is based on two criteria: the availability of spare parts for at least 10 years and the product's low breakdown rate within its price category.
  • The Darty Occasion offer has been extended to include cold-category household products, including refrigerators and freezers, in order to give a second life to all types of electronic and household products offered and to strengthen the Group's position in this growing market.

The Group also asserted its environmental strategy, by setting a quantified objective of reducing its CO2 consumption in France by 50% by 2030, compared to the 2018 level. In order to integrate this environmental challenge into the company strategy, a Climate Committee was created in 2019 to discuss and validate the roadmaps and action plans undertaken to achieve the stated reduction target.

To find out more about the CSR strategy and initiatives launched by the Group,
read our 2019–2020 CSR Report (French version only).

About Fnac Darty
Operating in thirteen countries, Fnac Darty is a European leader in the retail of entertainment and leisure products, consumer electronics and household appliances. The Group, which has more than 24,000 employees, had a multi-format network of 894 stores at the end of September 2020, including 737 in France and is ranked as France's second most visited e-commerce site (nearly 25 million unique visitors per month) with its three commercial websites, fnac.com, darty.com and natureetdecouvertes.com. A leading omnichannel player, Fnac Darty's pro forma revenue was €7.3 billion in 2019, approximately 19% of which was realized on the Internet channel. For more information: fnacdarty.com

About V.E
V.E is a global leader in the field of ESG assessments, data, research, benchmarking and analysis. Through our proprietary database, we provide market participants with the ESG information they need to manage risk and better understand and address their social and environmental impact. Since 2019, V.E has been a subsidiary of Moody's Corporation. V.E has received the ISO 9001:2015 quality certification for its processes related to methodology, assessments, sales and delivery of its data to all types of investors and issuers. V.E as a Climate Bond Initiative Verifier provides, among other things, independent opinions on compliance with CBI standards. With a team of nearly 300 experts of 30 different nationalities, V.E is present in Paris, London, Brussels, Casablanca, Hong Kong, Milan, New York, Rabat and Santiago. V.E's global network, composed of four exclusive research partners, is present in Brazil, Germany, Israel and Japan.
For more information: vigeo-eiris.com - Follow us on Twitter & Linkedin


ANALYSTS / INVESTORS Stéphanie Laval stephanie.laval@fnacdarty.com

Marina Louvard marina.louvard@fnacdarty.com
+33 (0)1 72 28 17 08
PRESS Audrey Bouchard audrey.bouchard@fnacdarty.com
+33 (0)1 55 21 59 25

1 A total of 4,843 companies rated worldwide.
2 Specialized distribution sector as defined by Vigeo.




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