II-VI Incorporated发布2021财年第一季度业绩报告

  • 季度收入7.281亿美元
  • GAAP季度营收1.011亿美元
  • 非GAAP季度营收1.389亿美元
  • GAAP季度每股收益0.38美元
  • 非GAAP季度每股收益0.84美元
  • 2020年9月30日的净债务杠杆率为1.3倍,低于2020年6月30日的3.8倍1

匹兹堡, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- II-VI Incorporated(Nasdaq:IIVI)(简称“II-VI”、“我们”或“公司”)今天公布了2021财年第一季度(截至2020年9月30日)业绩。

“面对新冠疫情,我们继续坚持不懈地专注于风险管理和员工安全,在2021财年第一季度取得了许多亮点。我们本季度成绩卓著,包括:多元化和广泛的产品组合持续占据领导地位;强劲的业绩彰显出我们在所有终端市场的扩张趋势;适应了新的贸易限制;在3D传感市场中所占的份额进一步增大等等。2020年9月24日是我们完成史上最大一笔收购12个月的纪念日,展示出我们在识别和扩展并购整合技能方面的能力。我们实现了收入的增长,提前实现了协同效应,毛利率提高了330个基点,并重新吸引到许多在交易获得批准之前处于观望状态的客户,我对此感到非常高兴。我们看到市场对于我们数据通信和电信产品的需求在不断攀升,因此这项及时的收购过去一直并且未来将继续与我们的战略保持一致,即依靠5G、云计算等世界上最大的大趋势实现可持续增长,”小Vincent D. (Chuck) Mattera博士表示。

Mattera博士继续说道:“我们在3D传感市场中所占的份额较去年增长了200%,尽管有新的贸易限制,我们仍然在整个季度取得强劲的业绩。在股东的热情支持下,我们成功融资9.2亿美元,巩固了资产负债表,将净债务杠杆率1 降至1.3倍,现金余额增至6.84亿美元。在Finisar整合过程中,随着对Ascatron和Innovion并购的完成,我们继续为II-VI寻求增值增长机会,将我们在SiC材料方面的专业知识扩展到模块和设备中,以满足运输电气化加速带来的电力市场需求的预期增长。”

1 净债务杠杆率根据信贷协议的条款计算。

Table 1 
Financial Metrics     
$ Millions, except per share amounts and %  
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019
Revenues$728.1  $746.2  $340.4 
GAAP Gross Profit$286.6  $302.2  $123.1 
Non-GAAP Gross Profit (2)$288.4  $315.7  $123.7 
GAAP Operating Income (Loss) (1)$101.1  $67.4  $(18.5)
Non-GAAP Operating Income (2)$138.9  $124.6  $49.0 
GAAP Net Earnings (Loss)$46.3  $51.3  $(26.0)
Non-GAAP Net Earnings (2)$100.4  $117.8  $35.8 
GAAP Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Share$0.38  $0.53  $(0.39)
Non-GAAP Diluted Earnings Per Share (2)(3)$0.84  $1.18  $0.53 
Other Selected Financial Metrics     
GAAP Gross margin 39.4%  40.5%  36.2%
Non-GAAP gross margin (2) 39.6%  42.3%  36.3%
GAAP Operating margin 13.9%  9.0%  (5.4)%
Non-GAAP operating margin (2) 19.1%  16.7%  14.4%
GAAP Return on sales 6.4%  6.9%  (7.6)%
Non-GAAP return on sales (2) 13.8%  15.8%  10.5%






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关于II-VI Incorporated

II-VI Incorporated是工程材料和光电子元件领域的全球领先企业,是一家垂直整合的制造公司,致力于为通信、材料加工、航空航天与国防、半导体资本设备、生命科学、消费电子产品和汽车市场的多样化应用开发创新产品。公司总部位于宾夕法尼亚州萨克森堡,在全球范围内设有研发、制造、销售、服务和分销机构。公司生产各种适合特定应用的光学和电子材料及组件,并以各种形式进行部署(包括与高级软件集成),以支持我们的客户。如需更多信息,请访问www.ii-vi.com






II-VI Incorporated and Subsidiaries
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Earnings (Loss) (Unaudited)
($000 except per share data)
 Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019
Revenues$728,084  $746,290  $340,409 
Costs, Expenses & Other Expense (Income)     
Cost of goods sold441,520  444,153  217,269 
Internal research and development78,248  100,489  36,120 
Selling, general and administrative107,186  134,152  105,495 
Interest expense17,214  25,521  6,968 
Other expense (income), net24,339  1,264  5,079 
Total Costs, Expenses, & Other Expense (Income)668,507  705,579  370,931 
Earnings (Loss) Before Income Taxes59,577  40,711  (30,522)
Income Taxes13,311  (10,550) (4,524)
Net Earnings (Loss)$46,266  $51,261  $(25,998)
Series A Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock Dividends6,440     
Net Earnings (Loss) available to the Common Shareholders39,826  51,261  (25,998)
Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Share$0.38  $0.53  $(0.39)
Basic Earnings (Loss) Per Share$0.39  $0.56  $(0.39)
Average Shares Outstanding  - Diluted105,247  102,142  65,969 
Average Shares Outstanding  - Basic102,809  91,517  65,969 


II-VI Incorporated and Subsidiaries   
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)   
 September 30, June 30,
 2020 2020
Current Assets   
Cash and cash equivalents$683,985  $493,046 
Accounts receivable577,127  598,124 
Inventories639,833  619,810 
Prepaid and refundable income taxes12,794  12,279 
Prepaid and other current assets78,003  65,710 
Total Current Assets1,991,742  1,788,969 
Property, plant & equipment, net1,218,575  1,214,772 
Goodwill1,254,338  1,239,009 
Other intangible assets, net757,770  758,368 
Investments75,188  73,767 
Deferred income taxes27,940  22,938 
Other assets145,066  136,891 
Total Assets$5,470,619  $5,234,714 
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity   
Current Liabilities   
Current portion of long-term debt$62,050  $69,250 
Accounts payable256,029  268,773 
Operating lease current liabilities24,142  24,634 
Accruals and other current liabilities302,672  310,236 
Total Current Liabilities644,893  672,893 
Long-term debt1,468,096  2,186,092 
Deferred income taxes55,031  45,551 
Operating lease liabilities99,566  94,701 
Other liabilities156,356  158,674 
Total Liabilities2,423,942  3,157,911 
Total Shareholders' Equity3,046,677  2,076,803 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity$5,470,619  $5,234,714 


II-VI Incorporated and Subsidiaries   
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)   
 Three Months Ended
 September 30,
 2020 2019
Cash Flows from Operating Activities   
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities$134,327  $(25,615)
Cash Flows from Investing Activities   
Additions to property, plant & equipment(33,792) (25,636)
Purchases of businesses, net of cash acquired(36,064) (1,036,609)
Other investing activities  (1,940)
Net cash used in investing activities(69,856) (1,064,185)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities   
Proceeds from issuance of common shares460,000   
Proceeds from issuance of preferred shares460,000   
Proceeds from borrowings of Term A Facility  680,000 
Proceeds from borrowings of Term B Facility  720,000 
Proceeds from borrowings of Revolving Credit Facility  160,000 
Proceeds from borrowings under prior Credit Facility  10,000 
Payments on borrowings under prior Term Loan, Credit Facility and other loans  (172,780)
Payments on borrowings under Term A Facility(15,513)  
Payments on borrowings under Term B Facility(714,600)  
Payments on borrowings under Revolving Credit Facility(25,000)  
Debt issuance costs  (63,510)
Equity issuance costs(36,092)  
Proceeds from exercises of stock options1,083  2,975 
Payments in satisfaction of employees' minimum tax obligations(5,574) (9,418)
Other financing activities(1,329) (660)
Net cash provided by financing activities122,975  1,326,607 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents3,493  (2,128)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents190,939  234,679 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period493,046  204,872 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period$683,985  $439,551 


Table 2     
Segment Revenues, GAAP Operating Income (Loss) & Margins, and  
Non-GAAP Operating Income (Loss) & Margins*  
$ Millions, except %     
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020  2020  2019 
Photonic Solutions$497.7  $517.2  $141.4 
Compound Semiconductors230.4  229.0  177.0 
Unallocated and Other    22.1 
Consolidated$728.1  $746.2  $340.4 
GAAP Operating Income (Loss):     
Photonic Solutions$50.4  $49.1  $13.0 
Compound Semiconductors50.7  19.6  26.5 
Unallocated and Other  (1.3) (58.0)
Consolidated$101.1  $67.4  $(18.5)
Non-GAAP Operating Income (Loss):     
Photonic Solutions$78.2  $88.8  $17.9 
Compound Semiconductors60.7  35.8  31.2 
Unallocated and Other    (0.2)
Consolidated$138.9  $124.6  $49.0 
GAAP Operating Margin:     
Photonic Solutions10.1% 9.5% 9.2%
Compound Semiconductors22.0% 8.6% 15.0%
Unallocated and OtherNA NA NA
Consolidated13.9% 9.0% -5.4%
Non-GAAP Operating Margin:     
Photonic Solutions15.7% 17.2% 12.7%
Compound Semiconductors26.4% 15.6% 17.6%
Unallocated and OtherNA NA NA
Consolidated19.1% 16.7% 14.4%


Table 3     
Reconciliation of Segment Non-GAAP Operating Income (Loss) to  
GAAP Segment Operating Income (Loss)     
$ Millions     
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019
Non-GAAP Photonic Solutions Operating Income$78.2  $88.8  $17.9 
Measurement period adjustment on long-lived assets  (1.9)  
Share-based compensation(10.5) (17.9) (2.7)
Amortization of acquired intangibles(17.3) (15.9) (2.1)
Restructuring and related expenses  (4.0)  
Photonic Solutions GAAP Operating Income (Loss)$50.4  $49.1  $13.0 
Non-GAAP Compound Semiconductors Operating Income$60.7  $35.8  $31.2 
Measurement period adjustment on long-lived assets  (7.2)  
Share-based compensation(5.0) (6.1) (2.7)
Amortization of acquired intangibles(2.9) (2.9) (2.0)
Transaction expenses related to acquisitions(2.1)    
Compound Semiconductors GAAP Operating Income (Loss)$50.7  $19.6  $26.5 
Non-GAAP Unallocated and Other Operating Income (Loss)$  $  $(0.2)
Finisar results    1.9 
Transaction expenses related to acquisitions  (1.3) (5.4)
Severance and related - Share-based compensation    (10.7)
Severance and related - Other compensation    (7.7)
Amortization of acquired intangibles    (2.0)
Preliminary fair value adjustment on acquired inventory    (7.1)
One-time costs related to the Finisar acquisition    (26.8)
Unallocated and Other GAAP Operating Income (Loss)$  $(1.3) $(58.0)
Total GAAP Operating Income (Loss)$101.1  $67.4  $(18.5)
Non-GAAP Operating Income$138.9  $124.6  $48.9 
* 由于四舍五入,金额可能不会重新计算。           


Table 4     
Reconciliation of GAAP Measures to non-GAAP Measures     
$ Millions     
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019 (8)
Gross profit on GAAP basis$286.6  $302.2  $123.1 
Finisar results (1)    (6.5)
Share-based compensation1.8  4.4   
Fair value adjustment on acquired inventory (2)    7.1 
Measurement period adjustment on long-lived assets (3)  9.1   
Gross profit on non-GAAP basis$288.4  $315.7  $123.7 
Internal research and development on GAAP basis$78.2  $100.5  $36.1 
Share-based compensation (4)(2.6) (6.1) (0.6)
Finisar results (1)    (2.9)
Severance, restructuring and related costs (5)  (3.5)  
Internal research and development on non-GAAP basis$75.6  $90.9  $32.6 
Selling, general and administrative on GAAP basis$107.2  $134.2  $105.5 
Share-based compensation (4)(11.1) (13.5) (4.8)
Transaction expenses related to acquisitions (3)(2.1) (1.3) (32.4)
Finisar results (1)    (1.7)
Severance, restructuring and related costs (5)  (0.5) (18.4)
Amortization of acquired intangibles(20.2) (18.8) (6.1)
Selling, general and administrative on non-GAAP basis$73.8  $100.2  $42.1 
Operating income (loss) on GAAP basis$101.1  $67.5  $(18.5)
Finisar results (1)    (1.9)
Share-based compensation (4)15.5  24.0  5.4 
Fair value adjustment on acquired inventory (2)    7.1 
Amortization of acquired intangibles20.2  18.8  6.1 
Measurement period adjustment on long-lived assets (3)  9.1   
Severance, restructuring and related costs (5)  4.0  18.4 
Transaction expenses related to acquisitions (6)2.1  1.3  32.4 
Operating income on non-GAAP basis$138.9  $124.6  $49.0 


Table 4     
Reconciliation of GAAP Measures to non-GAAP Measures (Continued)  
$ Millions     
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019 (8)
Interest and other (income) expense, net on GAAP basis$41.5  $26.8  $12.0 
Finisar results (1)    0.3 
Foreign currency exchange gains (losses), net(4.7) (6.3) (1.1)
Additional interest expense related to Finisar acquisition (1)    (1.7)
Debt extinguishment expense (5) (7)(24.7)   (3.9)
Interest and other (income) expense, net on non-GAAP basis$12.1  $20.5  $5.6 
Income taxes (benefit) on GAAP basis$13.3  $(10.6) $(4.5)
Tax impact of non-GAAP measures(8)13.1  (2.6) 12.8 
Tax impact of fair value adjustments  (0.4)  
Income taxes (benefit) on non-GAAP basis$26.4  $(13.6) $8.3 
Net earnings (loss) on GAAP basis$46.3  $51.3  $(26.0)
Finisar results (1)    (1.6)
Share-based compensation (4)15.5  24.0  5.4 
Fair value adjustment on acquired inventory (2)    7.1 
Amortization of acquired intangibles20.2  18.8  6.2 
Measurement period adjustment on long-lived assets (3)  9.1   
Transaction expenses related to acquisitions (6)2.1  1.3  32.4 
Severance, restructuring and related costs (5)  4.0  18.4 
Foreign currency exchange (gains) losses, net4.7  6.3  1.1 
Additional interest expense related to Finisar acquisition (5)    1.7 
Debt extinguishment expense  (7)24.7    3.9 
Tax impact of non-GAAP measures and fair value adjustments(8)(13.1) 3.0  (12.8)
Net earnings on non-GAAP basis$100.4  $117.8  $35.8 
Per share data:     
Net earnings (loss) on GAAP basis     
Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Share$0.38  $0.53  $(0.39)
Basic Earnings (Loss) Per Share$0.39  $0.56  $(0.39)
Net earnings on non-GAAP basis     
Diluted Earnings Per Share (9)$0.84  $1.18  $0.53 
Basic Earnings Per Share$0.91  $1.29  $0.54 
* 由于四舍五入,金额可能不会重新计算。           


  1. Finisar业绩”包含收购日期期间(2019年9月24日至2019年9月30日)的Finisar合并运营,其中包括因收购融资而产生的额外利息费用和债务清偿费用。在截至2019年9月30日的三个月之后,Finisar业绩已合并到“光电解决方案”和“复合半导体”类目。
  2. 公允价值调整为710万美元,是对Finisar收购中所购存货的升值调整。
  3. 表示衡量期间调整对Finisar收购中所购长期资产的公允价值的折旧影响。
  4. 截至2019年9月30日的三个月里,股票补偿金支出总额包括1070万美元与遣散费相关的支出,如下方附注5所述。
  5. 重组和相关成本包括实现公司成本协同战略的费用。在收购Finisar方面,公司在截至2019年9月30日的三个月中记录了遣散费和挽留费1840万美元。这一数额中包括1070万美元的股票补偿金。
  6. 2020财年,交易成本主要代表与Finisar收购相关的收购和整合成本。
  7. 在截至2020年9月30日的三个月期间,公司记录了与B类贷款清偿相关的债务清偿费用2470万美元。
  8. 截至2019年9月30日的三个月的非GAAP财务指标已经过调整,以符合当期呈报。
  9. 2019年9月30日期间按非GAAP计算的每股普通股摊销收益已从0.56美元更新,将2022年到期的0.25%可转换优先债券(“2022年可转换优先债券”)的稀释影响考虑在内。
Table 5     
Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income (Loss), EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA  
$ Millions     
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019
Net earnings (loss) on GAAP basis$46.3  $51.3  $(26.0)
Income taxes (benefit)13.3  (10.6) (4.5)
Depreciation and amortization64.7  73.8  26.9 
Interest expense17.2  25.5  7.0 
EBITDA (1)$141.5  $140.0  $3.5 
EBITDA margin19.4 % 18.8 % 1.0 %
Fair value adjustment on acquired inventory    7.1 
Share-based compensation15.5  24.0  5.4 
Transaction expenses related to other acquisitions2.1  1.3  32.4 
Foreign currency exchange (gains) losses, net4.7  6.3  1.1 
Severance, restructuring and related costs  4.0  18.4 
Debt extinguishment expense24.7    3.9 
Special items - Other income (expense), net    4.3 
Adjusted EBITDA (2)$188.5  $175.6  $75.9 
Adjusted EBITDA margin25.9 % 23.5 % 22.3 %
* 由于四舍五入,金额重新核算时或有出入。        




Table 6     
GAAP Earnings Per Share Calculation     
$ Millions     
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019
Net earnings (loss)$46.3  $51.3  $(26.0)
Series A Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock dividends(6.4)    
Basic earnings available to common shareholders$39.8  $51.3  $(26.0)
Effect of dilutive securities:     
Add back interest on Convertible Senior Notes Due 2022$  $2.8  $ 
Diluted earnings available to common shareholders$39.8  $54.1  $(26.0)
Weighted average shares (1) 102.8   91.5   66.0 
Effect of dilutive securities:           
Common stock equivalents 2.4   3.2    
0.25% Convertible Senior Notes due 2022    7.3    
Diluted weighted average common shares 105.2  102.0  66.0 
Basic earnings (loss) per common share$0.39  $0.56  $(0.39)
Diluted earnings (loss) per common share$0.38  $0.53  $(0.39)


* 由于四舍五入,金额重新核算时或有出入。


Table 7     
Non-GAAP Earnings Per Share Calculation     
$ Millions     
(Unaudited)Three Months Ended
 Sept 30, Jun 30, Sept 30,
 2020 2020 2019
Net earnings on non-GAAP basis$100.4  $117.8  $35.8 
Series A Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock dividends(6.4)    
Basic earnings available to common shareholders$94.0  $117.8  $35.8 
Effect of dilutive securities:     
Add back interest on Convertible Senior Notes Due 2022$3.1  $2.8  $2.7 
Add back Series A preferred stock dividends6.4     
Diluted earnings available to common shareholders$103.5  $120.6  $38.5 
Weighted average shares (2) 102.8   91.5   66.0 
Effect of dilutive securities:           
Common stock equivalents 2.4   3.2    
0.25% Convertible Senior Notes due 2022 7.3   7.3   7.3 
Series A Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock 10.4       
Diluted weighted average common shares 123.0   102.0   73.3 
Basic earnings (loss) per common share on non-GAAP basis$0.91  $1.29  $0.54 
Diluted earnings (loss) per common share on non-GAAP basis(1)$0.84  $1.18  $0.53 


* 由于四舍五入,金额重新核算时或有出入。

 (1) 2019年9月30日期间按非GAAP计算的每股普通股摊销收益已从0.56美元加以更新,以计入2022年到期的0.25%可转换优先债券(“2022年可转换优先债券”)的稀释影响因素。
 (2) 截至2020年9月30日的三个月加权平均股份包括2020年7月因承销公开募股而发行的1070万普通股。
 (3) 截至2019年9月30日的三个月非GAPP每股收益已经过修订,以计入收购菲尼萨(Finisar)会计调整带来的税收影响,并使其符合本期列报方式。


Mary Jane Raymond
